Tiger Sal not eating


New member
Mar 25, 2009
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Manitoba, Canada
My Tiger sal hasn't eaten anything for about 3 to 4 weeks and would only eat one or two crickets a week for about a month before. I am keeping his at a temperature around 20 C, feeding him crickets, soil substrate, he has a log and hiding areas, and a water dish which i keep regularly clean. He spends most of his time not moving in the same corner of his tank. In the last couple months he would borrow himself under his log and not come out for about a week or more (I would pull him out to check on him after about a week). When he finally came out he had very little interest in eating. He is still in good body condition. Any suggestions? Should i be worried?
Sometimes they will go through phases of eating less, but 3-4 weeks is a long time for a tiger sal to go without eating anything, so I would start to be a bit concerned.

I agree with Bill's suggestion to try another food, such as worms. Some other things to consider would be (1) What is the composition of his soil? If the soil includes peat moss or potting soil of any kind, I'd recommend checking the pH of it. (2) Try dropping the temperature, if you can. While they can certainly tolerate 20C long-term, cooler temperatures are less stressful and may help bring him back to normal if he is under some sort of stress or illness.
I agree, try different prey. It's happened to me many times, where the salamander won't eat the crickets at first. I brought some isopods (pill bugs) into the terrarium, and suddenly the caudate would eat anything! They aren't really a pest, they'll provide food and help eat the mold growing. Try the nightcrawler too.
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