I've kept axolotls in years past but had always wanted a tiger salli raised from larval stage. Today I picked up a big water dog and have a few questions on morphing.
How long does it take a larval to reach large size? I'm trying to get a relative idea of how old mine might be, she is roughly 8".
Any rough idea of how long it might take her before she starts to morph? I have no idea where she originally came from.
Is there any safe way to encourage morphing to start? I just don't want years of the aquatic stage.
Thanks in advance
How long does it take a larval to reach large size? I'm trying to get a relative idea of how old mine might be, she is roughly 8".
Any rough idea of how long it might take her before she starts to morph? I have no idea where she originally came from.
Is there any safe way to encourage morphing to start? I just don't want years of the aquatic stage.
Thanks in advance