I have a tiger that just recently stopped eating and was an aggressive eater. I don't know if he is sick or stressed. He looks so sad. I take him out of his hiding place and place him in water because he is the one that always sat in the pool the longest like he was relaxing in a tub. He won't eat even if the cricket crawls on him. I don't see him moving much in the day or night but will crawl on me if I take him out. Should I not be touching him. The other two crawl on me like puppies, so friendly. I don't want to lose him because he has been a part of my dynamic trio for quite some time now. I never thought something this little and simple could have such an affect on my emotions. He doesn't look skinny, maybe a little puffy. Do you think he could have eaten something he wasn't suppose to like a rock or stick? Please help!