This is what I came home to!


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Jul 1, 2008
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Roanoke, VA
United States
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Well I got home earlier after checking on some A. opacum eggs and was treated to this site as soon as I walked in the door, a stupid opposum. I have no clue how he even got into the house much less the aquarium. That stupid thing killed all 6 of my Chinese Fire-belly Newts.:mad: Thats ok though I think they got their revenge because the opposum died shortly after I got him out and I wasn't the one that killed it. I think the newts toxins may have done him in because he started seizing and then croaked. Of course I am just speculating but I sure hope thats what killed it. Anyways I just had to vent, I still can't believe he tried eating everyone of my CFBN's.


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Oh Justin, I'm so sorry.

What a dreadful thing to come home to. :sad:
That has to be one of the most random things I have ever seen on the internet :confused:
Geez I've found those sort of things in pools, but never in an aquarium! Sorry to hear about your Fire Bellies, but sounds like they went down fighting... The tank looks a mess! That thing must have been covered in dirt!
The mess was the first thing I noticed and I don't think it was dirt. When I cleaned it out it didn't smell like dirt if you get my drift. It still amazes me how he opened the lid to the tank. I didn't notice it before but unfortunately you can see one of my dead newts in front of the terra cotta pot.:(
That is really strange, Justin. Sorry about your newts.
Blimey...that is surreal. I´m very sorry for your poor newts, and for the poor opossum(it was only trying to survive, there is no way you can blame the poor thing)...
Justin, that really sucks. Like, hardcore.

Rodrigo, have you ever seen a possum? They're oversized rats. One trying to 'survive' doesn't come into a house. I wouldn't be surprised if it was rabid or something. That's just not normal.
That is truly a freak accident! I'm so sorry :(
thats crazy dude!
sounds like your newts defended their little selves to the death...
Sorry Kaysei, i just can´t hate the possum....hehe
I´ve never seen one, mind you my father has and he has told me stories about them...i know they are not something you want at your house....
My dad has had wild possum come up on his back deck and eat cat food out of the cat dish. They aren't very nasty. His would just sit their and look at them when they shined a flash light. If scared they play possum. He might have just been looking for food.
i guess it depends of the possum, i remember a big male bush tail chase me,

not something you want, dont know what they are carrying
What a story Justin! I'm so sorry about your newts... :(

Man, I have to show this to my parents...
Justin, that really sucks. Like, hardcore.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was rabid or something. That's just not normal.

Due to low body temperature possums are not much of a threat of being rabid.
Ugh, what an awful surprise! I find an occasional drowned mouse in my daphnia tubs, and even that makes me jump. I can't imagine discovering a scene like this one! Sorry about your newts:(
What a tragedy for you, the newts and the opossum. Opossums like newts are very misunderstood animals. They are slow moving and and fairly docile animals with little ability to defend themselves...that is why they play dead in the face of danger. They frequently do wander into garages, attics and other man-made structures in urban areas in search of food...they are omnivores. It is unfortunate for all that this ended the way it did. I am so very sorrry for your loss and the horrible way it occured.
Oh how awful! I really am sorry. Al least they got their revenge! :violent:
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