Question: This is not a trick question.. I don't think!


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May 30, 2011
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United Kingdom
Okay, so I ordered some new sand for my tank, as I got a bit bored of the orange, as it's so light that everything shows and even the bits that go through a seive group together and bug me... So is there any way I can get the sand out, without getting all the water out?

And if not, how do I change the substrate without having to start the tank over completely?

One more question, If i use the same filter, different substrate and completely new water (dechlorinated obviously) do I need to recycle the tank?

With thesame filter that won't be nessecary, bacteria grow on surfaces, not in the water.

I use a fishng net (one of those small aquarium nets) to get sand out, but it turns the water very murky for hours and hours.

Best to put your axies seperate or in the fridge for a day
Drain the water to about 5cm in height
Scoop the sand out
Drain the last bit of water together with the last of the sand
Wash your new substrate
Put it in
[Slowly] let the dechlorinated water flow in so there's minimal dubree in the water
Let the filter cycle overnight
Check your water to be sure it came out allright, and then the axies can go back :)

This should be fine, but I'm sure there are lots of options to be taken into concideration from other people
Okay, but do they have to be out of the tank al day, as when I do thorough clean outs I use a storage container which is about 15L, so once water is replaced and sand is in, cleaned and all, even if it hasn't settled entirely, can I put them back in?
Personally, I would remove and store as much water as you can. Get a couple clean buckets and siphon out your water. Then you won't be doing a 100% water change. Drastic changes like that in water chemistry can be a bit stressful for your axolotls.
Hi I don't use a filter so I do a complete change every week but only roughly scrub stones and plamts. so some of the settlement is left on them.
I use water from my waterbutts often has an odd bloodworm with it.
My 5 have never shown stress at this they are in another plastic container while I do this and as soon as refilled placed back. They do all get a bonus worm when back in the tank.
Fridging seems very drastic for a tank clean
I'd actually advise you to not roughly scrub the stones/plants. If you have no filter all your bb is on your tank decorations, and while scrubbing them probably doesn't get rid of all the bb, it will probably get rid of some of it.
I second Kaysie's recommendation to save a little water. Although the majority of the bb is in the filter, small differences in the water such as ph, and temp can cause a little stress, so as long as the water isn't filthy you might as well reuse it.
Yeah, fridging is not nessecary, that was just an example.
Could never hurt them though, as long as it's between 5 and 8C
I just finished adding some substrate, and to tell you the truth, I'll let it filter for an hour or so and wait till I can see through the water, they seem fine and calm to me :)
Okay thanks everyone!

Current status -
sand out of tank
axies in seperate container, not in fridge!!
sand taking longer than i expected and took last time to clean the sand

By the way, there is about 1/3 of the tank water in with the axies at the moment, so I will just replace that back into the tank!:happy:
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