Thin and throwing up food


New member
Jun 30, 2017
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United States
My axolotl, Sprig, hasn't been eating for 2-3 weeks now. He seems interested in the food and swallows it but immediately spits it out or throws it up later in the day. He hasn't been able to keep anything down and I haven't seen him poop either. He's gotten extremely skinny and I'm really worried. I've fed him carnivore pellets for majority of his life with no problems (he's about 2 years old). I've recently tried red wrigglers and raw shrimp but nothing works. About a week and a half ago I realized my nitrates were way too high and have been doing more frequent water changes to try and bring it down but it's still high. The water changes seemed to help him become more active, but still no luck with food. I'm worried he's going to starve because of how thin he's getting and don't know what to do.

The water parameters are:
ph: 7.4-7.6
ammonia: 0
nitrites: 0
nitrates: 40-80
tank temp: 64-68 degrees F

Please help :( this is a first with him throwing up his food so much and not eating
My axie threw red wrigglers up to. Apparently they have a bitter taste and when they sense they’re in danger they release a slime that’s even more bitter.
That’s all the help I can give you though sorry. Hope he gets better
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