Photo: The new set up! (sorry bout the wait! its)


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May 30, 2010
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West Sussex, England
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Heres Gomez, Nacho, Columbo and Igor's new tank, its 120gals (145 of your U.S gals;)) its still a work in progress need to go and get 5 or so anubias to dot about the place and more elodea floating about (just putting in trimmings from my small tank it will grow soon enough!) and I will attach abit of java moss to the wood when I harvest some from the other tank and it will be finished! The rocks in there are huge and there are so many hiding places the axies are loving it!

Well chuffed :happy:!

Ignore the bright red cable ties they will be coming out once the java fern has attached!

Im also building up a population of cherry shrimp that are gradually getting transferred from the small tank but those buggers are hard to catch in a densely planted tank! They will take care of the gardening for me and be a nice snack if an axie is lucky enough to get one!!




There ya go just thought i'd try something abit more natural, will post one with the sexy blue light when the timer swaps over later, cant wait to get a few more plants in there so I can finish it!


Looks great! Those are some lucky Axolotls. Where do you keep such a monster of a tank?
Fab tank what lucky axies. Can see a lot of time and effort has gone into that, bet your axies are thanking you for that :D
Re: The new set up! (sorry bout the wait!)

Believe it or not it is in my bedroom haha! Was lucky with all the rocks, my parents got an even bigger monster tank and went over the top on rocks and wood so I just grabbed as many as I could and had a play (got loads left i'd love to use but ran out of space haha!) Ive got a serious chunk of weight sitting there im just glad I live on ground floor! Just the Anubias to go!!!
That seriously is an axolotl palace! =]
Man, if I was an axolotl (which I regularly wish I was) I reckon I would love that!
Wow, I just got my first axie and this tank is inspiring me to do a bigger better one for my new axie! I want to get a white one now!:D
wow:bowl:! how many axies are you ceeping in that tank
and how easy are red cherry shrimp to breed:happy::eek::wacko:
Yo, ive got 4 axies in there at the mo, keeping an eye out for another goldie after losing poor little cunningham but im in no hurry as got my hands pretty full. Cherry shrimp are easy to breed, as long as you have males and females you will have babies every 20-30days, id reccommend getting them of ebay to begin with as cherries in shops are usually all girls, the suppliers pick out all the males as they dont get as much for them as the high grade bright red females (they are very expensive too!)!
its awsome youre tank!!
i want some of those rocks 2 in my tank but cant find them... grrr...
and what kind of plant is is that you got against your back?
looks fantastic.

I'm curious though, how do you maintain your plants in low light conditions, I see that you have java fern, which will grow just about anywere but what other plants did you choose?
Im just being very selective with the plants my only options are java fern, anubias and mosses really. The plants along the back are the exo terra silk plants from the old set up, i diddnt want any fake plants but those ones dont look too bad! ive only got 6 java ferns in there at the mo, just need to grab some anubias when I find some! there might be more of a choice for floating plants as they are right up near the light im thinkin either water lettuce, water hyacinth or a lilly pad or two but will probably just end up with elodea as I have a constant supply from my small tank!
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The axos! Sorry bout lack of Gomez shots he's being abit camera shy!


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theyre awsome!!!!
nice colors and so beautyfull!! <3
Aww thanks, need to get a new gomez pic up, hes 14inches long now and almost as wide haha! Just popped out to the shop to hunt for some anubias but no luck again (thats 6shops ive tried and failed in!) But I found some windelov fern so got a couple which I shall get straight into the tank when I get home! Its a variant of Java fern (lace java fern I think) and can tolerate the same conditions so again light and temp isnt an issue. They should add abit of variety, still gotta find some anubias tho!!!!!
It looks FANTASTIC! Some lovely axies too. I'm looking forward to seeing Gomez :D
Re: The new set up! (sorry bout the wait!)

Look who came out to play!

Yey Gomez!

Got the new plants in, the wendelov fern, they dont look much at the mo but should perk up soon enough!

the small scraggly plants at the front......

kinda looks like what you get in a posh salad haha! Hellooo Gomez!

All of em except Igor gathered for a group photo (think they got jealous coz gomez was getting all the attention haha!)

I still need anubias, theres an anubias drought down here!


how much are cherry shrimp?
im guessing you keep them speices only
do they have any speical reaquirements?
and would you sell me some
how much are cherry shrimp?
im guessing you keep them speices only
do they have any speical reaquirements?
and would you sell me some

Hi sam, nah the shrimp are quite happy in a tank with 6 harlequin rasboras and untill last weekend a fighting fish (poor bruce got stuck behind my moss wall) did have 4 hatchetfish in there but they have since flown out and not been found lol (very bad idea)! only requirements id say would be some vegetation, like mosses, and whatever plants your lighting can manage. I would have thought room temp would be fine but you'll get em breeding quicker with temps 24-26deg C.

I would send you some but mine have only started to breed over the last couple of months (I kept buying from shops so every single one was a female, had to get a batch off ebay.) and the shrimp are sooo tiny they are impossible to catch without destroying all my beautiful plants. maybe in a few weeks when theyve grown abit so they dont slip through the net!

If you wanted to breed em to put in the axie tank id say you need, 5-10gal tank, small filter or sponge filter, heater, a small light and some plants, things like elodea are good coz they grow nice and quick keeping your water clean! Theres an ebay seller selling shrimp 25 for £25 with free next day postage which I think is your best bet as you get quite a selection, when mine turned up there were nearer 40 in the bag! also if you are after a suitable tank this is what I went for, its abit of a bargain it has everything except the heater! Charterhouse Aquatics: Arcadia Arc Tank 35L Aquarium kit

Heres my shrimp tank, im just gradually moving em over to the axie tank on the rare occasion I manage to catch any!

A word of warning with shrimp, they dont take to cycling well, the tank must be well and truley cycled, again plants will help keep water good!

A shrimp with eggs!! (the yellow bit under her tail!) Babies soon!

I should be able to bag some up for you but might be a few weeks - a month or so untill they get big enough for me to catch, theres bloody millions of tiny ones in there!



p.s If you buy cherry shrimp from a shop you are lookin at £7-£8 for 3 shrimp!!!! RIP OFF!! and they will all turn out to be girls so no babies! I unfortuantly learned the hard and expensive way after 30 odd shrimp from 4 different shops and not one male!!!
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