The circus is in town!



Wild Type: Nibbles(female), Gold: Bobo(female) White:Moon Cookie(female) black:Grimace Gargamel(male)


And some pictures of my two babies! They have gotten so big, I wish they would stay small forever
. Bort, the gold one I think in a few months can join the big boys, while little Boots, the white is still sort of a runt, but he's getting there
Cool Rheann,they look great!Is that the "hang out corner"?Lol,my guys have one of those.Very pretty,happy,healthy axies,and your babies are doing real well!
Thanks guys for your comments

Theresa, a family friend took the pictures, and I don't remember the name of the camera. I plan to get one however, just as soon as we can afford it and I can remember that name lol.
wow, they have awesome bushy like gills!. i have a question when the gills are turned forwed that much like in your pics does that count as water flow stress? mine have there gills like that too but the water flow in minimum. i really like the spots on nibbles i think it is. keep us posted!
Yes indeed. very bushy gills. You must be very proud Rheann.
They're so awesome! Your aqaurium looks really good. :D

I love that pic that's 3rd to last.
Photos look great Rheann, they look very happy

ur wildtype looks alot like mine

"still in quarantine"
Thanks guys, for your comments

Alex - no, they aren't turned forward from water current, the gill stalks are just so long that some of them turn forward or flop to the side, while others stay back lol. My spray bar is turned up and spraying back against the glass, and I have it set on the lowest flow, and a layer of water over the spray bar, so there really isn't much current.

The babies don't have any air stones or filter in their little tank, I give them water changes every day or every other day. They're almost big enough now that they both can't fit into that little tank lol, and they have really fluffy gills :D.
Awwww, they are sweet looking axy's!!! i'm getting another one tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! nice photo's, cutie little hunnys...
Awww, sweet little darlings! And your wildtype (Nibbles) looks a lot like my Axelina, apart from Axelina is fatter and has a lot shorter gills!Awww...

(Message edited by SherriSixxx on December 28, 2005)
That are SUPER gills!
Did you managed to get genetic changes?
Of add some special 'gill grow' chemicals to the water?
Or is it simple photoshop? :p

I still have no clear thought on this question;
Are big gills a sign of low oxygen-level (they need to be big in that case to 'absorb' enough oxygen) or are they big cause the axolotl is healthy (what causes good grow)?

I think it's the last, cause your axolotl's look REALLY healthy. But maybe other people can give their vision.

Maybe you want to answer my question's?

What do you feed your axolotl's?
What filter media/types you use? (Nitrate, carbon eg.))
Do you have any tank mates? (snails eg.)
Any other special treatments/techniques?

(Message edited by damightywacko on December 29, 2005)
Thanks everyone again for your comments

Hi Jacco welcome to the forum, those are their real gills
. They are big because the weather is warm here, even in the winter, which causes lower oxygen. I do have live plants in my tank and that helps

I feed my axolotls earthworms and salmon pellets. They love earthworms and the pellets. I also feed them crickets and blood worms as dessert.

I use a Rena Canister Filter for a 75 gallon tank. My tank is 4 feet long, 60 gallons.

I did have snails, but they died. I just now have two Otocinclus which are algae eating fish and a few ghost shrimp as tank mates. They keep the tank clean and do alright as tank mates.

I use Stress Coat Declorinater. It has Aloe in it, it is good for axolotls, and my tank has sand. I do not use gravel. Here is a picture of my tank
Thanks for all the answers!

Very nice tank, compliments!

So you say large gills are caused by low oxygen.

I now feed them chicken. They don't like different type of worms. And it seems they grow well on chicken.
Yesterday i ordered salmon pellets in Germany cause i can't get them anywhere in Holland. I really want to try them. Indiana University use them (and i see them as experts
And i read that you use them as well.

Yes well i have snails, little nice creatures.... but they poo a lot and they reproduce like a third world country. So maybe it's better to go for an other type of algae eaters.
But the opinions have been divided concerning that subject. So..... i think i go for your experience en find some algae eating fish.

(Message edited by damightywacko on December 29, 2005)
Hi Rheann.

Have you had any trouble with the axies eating ottos?
Are they safe for the axies to gobble down if the axie takes a shot at it?

By the way.. I really love your wild type! It's gourgeous!

(Message edited by anitarus on December 29, 2005)
Jacco - Only keep one snail in your tank, that way they do not breed. Get a Mystery Snail or an Apple snail, or even a ram horns snail. All of these are alright, but watch the snail carefully, it might latch onto your axolotl and suck its skin. Some people have had problems with that, also others haven't and I have never had that problem. Keep trying to offer earth worms. Chicken is ok to feed, but other foods need to be fed as well. I hope the pellets work out for you

Tine - Otto's are just fine to keep with axies
. They are very small, stay small, and are very fast and avoid the axolotls. but in a bigger tank, keep more than two together, more like 4 or 5. They are very timid around predators, but around humans, they aren't afraid at all lol. I've had them come up and start sucking on my hand when I am cleaning the tank, but they are very afraid of my axolotls, and do not come out much to clean the glass anymore, so I will be getting 4 or so more after the 1st.
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