The Chicago Herpetological Society UIC exhibition 2007



Hey! I went down to the Chicago Herp society exhibition today at the UIC. Lots of nice reptiles, blue iguana conservation team was there, and i saw some sexy leutistic rat snakes. Anyway, I found some amphibians. There was a nice exhibit with Illinios salamanders. I only got a pic of a few. So enjoy my pics from the Herp show.

Not enough axolotl, all they had was like a baby wildtype who just grew legs and a 4-6 month looking golden.

I think I have some pics Ryan will like...
Here are some Illinios Natives. Most had too much glare too photograph, especially some of the smaller guys. Really nice array of Illinois 'manders.






Random other guys there....





Awesome!!!!!!!! I love them! It must have been pretty nerve racking for the mudpuppies, without any place to hide an all.
The last pic (the Crocodile Skinks) belong to my friend John (I know his setup from a mile away, and that's his coat. lol). He also had a yellow anaconda there.

The Blue iguana conservation team is Stephanie and her mother Jane, who own the large rhinoceros iguana I was holding in that one pic.

I didn't get to go to Chicago this year, but went last year, and it was very nice. We set our booth on fire with a heat lamp. Memorable.
very intersting you knew the people there... I was really impressed with the Crocodiles skinks, I have never seen them before... Luckily, I did not see any booths on fire, just children trying to ride on a giant tortois that could not walk away fast enough.
that crocodile skink is amazing!! a mini croc

I was thinking about going to thisi had stuff to do though
AnnMarie, I'm very good friends with the MSH members. One of the members there (the tall bald one) is my ex-boyfriend, and the one who kept my herps all summer while I was traipsing about Canada. I usually go, but had previous engagements this weekend.
So if any of you guys are in town, the Michigan State University Herp Club is doing their Second Annual Campus-wide survey on Saturday. Everyone's welcome!!
Kaysie, does your iguana team with with the Shedd's Cayman Blue rescue team?
AnnMarie, I'm not sure. I know they have at least one hybrid blue iguana.
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