

Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Wappingers Falls, NY
United States
Just to be sure...I had a very sheltered upbringing as far as bugs are concerned...

These are termites, whose praises Cameron is always singing?
Whatever they are, my yearling T. grans love them. They are at the edge of my property under some blocks I use as a pathway. I just want to be sure that these are actually termites (and I am willingly bringing them into my wooden house, before I make an appointment to get my head examined).


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Re: termites?

Yes Dawn, those are termites. Are you sure you want to bring them into your house?
Re: termites?

Yep, those are termites. Your T. grans should definately love them. It is okay to bring them into your house, they don't live off of wood. They eat a kind of fungus that they grow from chewed up wood in different chambers of the nest called gardens, so if bring them in your house they probably won't do any damage, unless the entire colony moves in.

Note: Soldier termites(the ones with the huge mandibles) will bite you and your newts so I would try to avoid those as best as possible.
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