


Hi, I just wondered, do all newts need cold temperatures?

I bought 2 Fuzhong warty newts months and months (and more months) ago and was told by the shop that they are tropical, so they have been at a temp of around 25C since.

They eat well and fight occasionaly, but I've not had any problems with them.

I did do research when I got them home as I was told they were fire newts (can't find any such thing lol)
I then found this site and another and from looking at the pictures figured out that they are Fuzhongs.
But I can only find one site with information about them, and it only tells you about the temperates in the wild, not what they can or can't tolerate in a tank.

Ok I just found this on some foreign site (badly translated also):
The temperature of their vat must remain in the surrounding of 20°C the summer. It will be able to reach 24°C if the duration does not exceed a week or two.

But mine have been over that since I got them.. so I really have no idea.
Ok it wont let me edit as I'm only a guest so sorry for all the posts.

Should I take the heater out? I've done some more searching and new sites have appeared. Most say 22c-ish which is what my unheated goldfish tank averages.

So should I take the heater out and just let it stay at room temp?

As I said they haven't had any problems so it hasn't done any obvious harm. They're active as anything and eating like pigs

I only listened to the shop because I couldn't find anything solid online *Rolls eyes*

Thanks guys.
yes take out the heater, you'll find almost all newts and salamanders do not need heating of any kind unless you live in very cold conditions
Great thanks guys

Do you think it could have harmed them in any way? I know they haven't been burnt as it has a guard, I just wondered if it can shorten their life span or anything?

*hops off to register as a member while she remembers* Lol
Well, be careful of overfeeding them because the warmer the temperature the more they will want to eat- And be sure to get that heater out, even if they appear to be fine they are probably really stressed under those temperatures. Newts live a very long time in the right conditions, and warm temps like that will probably hinder that greatly.
Wouldn't they have shown signs of stress though? As they haven't. They've been totally fine.
I looked up about stress in newts and mine haven't done/shown any of the ones I found listed.

I've just taken the heater out. And I only feed them every 2 to 3 days, I also always remove any un eaten food and/or poop as soon as I see it.
They both seem to be a good weight. Not bloated or anything.

They're probably going to be staying at around 22c maybe a bit higher as it's quite warm in my room anyway, and I don't even have a heater on. I don't have anyway of getting them cooler.

I do have a wire/mesh top though which I've read keeps the temp down a few degrees. I also have an air stone in with them.

(Message edited by Section8Angel on October 17, 2005)
you can always float frozen pastic containers with ice to bring down the temp.
I don't have the time to do that every day though. Nor the freezer room to keep spare boxes frozen lol.
I tried the ice cube thing through the summer, but it didn't do a thing. I'd understand if it was a lot of water but is isn't.

I even put my fan in front of the tank and that didn't work either!
Maybe it might work better now the tank has a mesh lid?
A mesh lid is great. I use a mesh lid with an 8 inch fan that lays on top of the tank, blowing the air out of the tank (not inward). this makes the water evaporate faster, and cools it about four degrees. If you're really into this, you could invest in the Ice Probe (google it) a cooling device that will also lower but is a bit tricky to install. Don't use the fan to blow the air inward or it might blow the water around too much which could stress the newts out.
Well I took the heater out, and the tank is still staying above 22 even with the mesh lid. So I'm out of ideas lol.

As for blowing the water around... they actually seem to like that!
I put a new filter in, and the flow was too strong and making too much noise, so I put a piece of sponge over it which worked. But they keep moving it and sitting in the flow of the water.

I don't really want it evaporating faster than it does now as it's annoying enough as it is to top it up all the time lol.

I am looking into some fans though. I've found a habistat fan thing for a good price.

They're still fine though. I would think if they were stressed from it they would be dead by now as the temp has been the same since I've had them which is 6+ months.
Just my thinking though. I know how quickly stress kills fish.
That's exactly what mine do! Lol They lay in the waterfall.

Aww yours is so cute. Your tank looks lovely too

I did look for a filter like that, but went with my internal as it was easier to set up.
Plus I would have had to cut into glass to set one like that up lol.
hi all! I have my 2 fire bellied newts in a 10 gallon with 2 tetras and a female beta and 2 african dwarf frogs and One fat snail... they all seem very very happy. I do have an adjustable heater and keep water temp at 68 and that seems to work well. I feed the newts frozen blood worms and they lov eit- I feed the beta girl lil beta food an dthe tras and frogs seem to enjoy the same diet. I am really just having fun and hope I not harming these creatures...I am a total novice..just been using spring water have pump fiter- should I be doing nay thing else?
I have a fuzhong that was sold to me as a tropical japanese paddletail. Although they can tolerate slightly warmer temperatures (mine never suffered any ill effects when I first got it) they do prefer it to be colder. Would suggest taking out the heater. Also they'll eat as much as you feed them, greedy little pigs. They're quite aggressive sometimes too, mines has been known to latch onto fingers once or twice. Lovely personalities though.
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