temperature worries


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Apr 8, 2008
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I'm starting to learn that axies are never easy. Tank finally got over its little mini-cycle thing and all is back to normal, quite happy only having to do water changes once a week or so. This week summer appeared from nowhere, after having nothing but cold days and rain. Tank temperature is currently 25C and has been 24C for the 2 days previous. I've been changing 20% of the water for cold water every night to try and cool it back down a bit. I've got the tank on the floor, my windows are wide open, the lids wedged half open and its out of sunlight. I cant do the floating bottles of ice water thing because I work 10am until 10pm with a 2 hour break in between. The ice will have long melted by the time I can get home in between to change it and I'm worried it'll be too many temp changes in one day for Squishy. Any other possible suggestions? The only solution i can see is putting him back in a smaller tank and putting him in a colder area of the house while I'm at work. Would this be too much stress for him changing tanks everyday?
Pop him in the fridge for a couple of days, until the warm weather passes. Some people keep their axolotls in the fridge all summer.
Thankyou for replying Kaysie, I wish I could put him in the fridge but the big fridge in the kitchen is not to be trusted, the temperature changes in it when it feels like it. Sometimes its frozen over, sometimes is swimming with water, I can't put him in there. I have one in my room but its one of those mini ones that holds a couple of cans, not big enough. I really am stuck.
There are a couple of low-tech methods for cooling the tank that may bring the water temp down a bit more: not using a solid lid, and putting a fan directly over the tank (blowing across the water; evaporation = cooling). The evaporative cooler you showed will not bring down your room temp very much. A fan blowing directly on the tank water will be more effective. Some other ideas are shown here:
I have the same problem, the uk weather keeps changing neally all the time one minuet its cold then hot. My tanks are currently 24c and its bloody horrible as it must stress them out as being that warm can cause them stress and fungy which a couple of my axis are geting due to the temp changes.
I have 2 fans over my tanks they are on the fastest seting and on 24/7 all summer just turn them off to clean them out every nown and then, also the bedroom windows are always open curtain open in the nite and shut in the day to prevent sun from geting in the room and they dont ever have lids on the tanks as there store the heat. We just carnt seem to all ways keep the temp down i dont know what else to do either and butting cold water in the tanks is a bad idea i used to do that but found out they would get stresed more because the quick change of temp and eventuly it will just get warm again like before so i just leave it and hope there tanks cool down with the fans, windows open and lids off... All i can say it use a coupe of fans as it some times helps and it also depend on how warm it is out side for the fan to cool the tanks down.Lisa
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