technical issues of buying and selling on the net


Aug 9, 2008
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ovos moles
hi i was wondering that I want to buy some animals from some members, and other membres ask me for sale them some, but talking to a friend that is a good eBayer and someone that does many business on the web he said that the best way is paypal but i don´t know almost nothing about it... the people that i talk to sell me something say that only acept paypal and banktransfer, but i don´t know how to work with paypal so the option that i only can work is banktransfer that don´t seem to dificult, but talking again with him , he said that the banktransfer from a contry for another is impossible specially for me that live in an island that is part of portugal... he said that i can have many probabilities of lose my money troght because the iban and nib from here are totally difrent from those countrys... (netherlands, u.k., deutchland)...
please i want to know diverse opinions from various people and their net bussiness, specially of live animals...
thanks a lot,

ok, a testimony

Hi elJorgo,

I must say that I find PayPal very convenient. The way it works is, it is a secure platform for bank information. It used to be free but it recently achieved bank status and so there were changes to its charges - none for me as a (very small) buyer and maybe none for you as a small seller, but I really don't know that.

A person joins the site and enters his bank information regarding how he wants to pay. Then, when he buys something online, he just clicks on the PayPal button and PayPal arranges that the money is where it needs to be. I think this is wonderful because otherwise I would have to enter payment information every time I purchase something online.

I even once had a bit of complication after I got married and had a new name (i.e., different from the name on my credit card) - PayPal paid the things I had purchased, so that the seller had his money and I had my purchase. We figured out the bank/name information afterwards. I was very grateful that PayPal did not withdraw payment, but worked with me to get my data correct again.

So here is my opinion: I think PayPal is a good online payment method, and I am always happy to see a seller who accepts payment that way.

Re: ok, a testimony

Be sure to check on the rules and regulations at eBay. I know that the USA side of eBay does not allow any sales of live animals (except bait, feeders, and fish). But it's possible that the Europe version of eBay allows animals.

I have used paypal for years. It's very easy to get an account, and I have never had any problems with it, either for paying or for receiving payments. Paypal provides reasonable protections for both the buyer and seller.
Re: technical issues fro buy and sell on the net

I just wanted to chime in... Paypal even does money conversion. I've bought items from ebay australia and ebay UK with no issues. It automatically took my US $$ and converted them to the reciepents $$. SO EASY. To easy - I spent way to much that year. :: sigh ::
hi and thanks for all your experiences! well, I am a little bit better on the bussiness, but I need some expecific card and some laws, isn´t it?


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