hi i was wondering that I want to buy some animals from some members, and other membres ask me for sale them some, but talking to a friend that is a good eBayer and someone that does many business on the web he said that the best way is paypal but i don´t know almost nothing about it... the people that i talk to sell me something say that only acept paypal and banktransfer, but i don´t know how to work with paypal so the option that i only can work is banktransfer that don´t seem to dificult, but talking again with him , he said that the banktransfer from a contry for another is impossible specially for me that live in an island that is part of portugal... he said that i can have many probabilities of lose my money troght because the iban and nib from here are totally difrent from those countrys... (netherlands, u.k., deutchland)...
please i want to know diverse opinions from various people and their net bussiness, specially of live animals...
thanks a lot,
please i want to know diverse opinions from various people and their net bussiness, specially of live animals...
thanks a lot,