Tea in the tank


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May 29, 2011
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Sydney, NSW
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hey guys.

The axies in my big tank tend to get little bits of gill fungus quite frequently. They are only small patches on the end, and they fall off within a few days without treatment, but they take a few gill feathers with them. The tank is otherwise healthy, a stable 18C, little light, perfect water parameters. The tank lid is always open to accommodate the peace lily growing out of it, and it is situated in the lounge room, so i'm guessing spores get in the tank from outside.

I have heard an almond leaf or a tea bag in the tank will act as an an antifungal, and i am willing to try because i would rather them not get fungus. I do not have any almond leaves (i can easily get some), so i was thinking of trying tea. Will it mess with my filters cycle if i put a tea bag in my tank/ brew some black tea, cool it, then put it in the tank?

Will the caffeine or tannins effect the bacteria at all? I'm looking for a solution for the whole tank because i want to get rid of the cause and not just treat one axie. I know i could scrub out the whole tank and fungus free it, however i want to avoid a mini cycle if possible. The tank is very big an moving it is not an option, it will not fit anywhere else :(
Almond leaves would be your best bet. If you go this route then be prepared to look at brown water because of the tannins. This is what I do to my noto tanks to keep them fungus free.
Almond leaves would be your best bet. If you go this route then be prepared to look at brown water because of the tannins. This is what I do to my noto tanks to keep them fungus free.

Blackwater tanks can look stunning! Sorry i couldnt quite understand your post, do you use almond leaves or tea? if its tea, doyou feel the axolotls prefer the reduced light levels with the darker water?
Blackwater tanks can look stunning! Sorry i couldnt quite understand your post, do you use almond leaves or tea?

I used to use almond leaves but I now use a product now called Blackwater Extract. I'm not sure if it is available over there.

if its tea, doyou feel the axolotls prefer the reduced light levels with the darker water?

All of my salamanders seem alot more active with the reduced visibility (even if it is only slightly noticeable) the blackwater causes.
yes i like the dark water look too. I think it looks natural. Will either almond or tea mess with my cycle?

And are any old dry almond leaves ok? Like the ones you can get at a health store?
I used to use almond leaves but I now use a product now called Blackwater Extract. I'm not sure if it is available over there.

All of my salamanders seem alot more active with the reduced visibility (even if it is only slightly noticeable) the blackwater causes.

Yes,we do have Blackwater Extract in the UK , i have been looking at it for my angelfish tank, i have never considered it for use with axolotls, though maybe i should have for having seen the water that they live in on tv, their natural enviroment is full of decaying vegetation and very dark. Have you any pictures available?
If you steep your tea, then pour out the tea, then re-steep, the second batch won't have nearly as much caffeine, pretty much none. Caffeine is extremely water soluble.
I'm interested in this. Tea helps to keep out fungus, and the axies like it anyway...So, I can just get some normal...Lipton tea.. make a batch, and then reuse the leaves for my axie tank? Just pour it in once its cool?
Thanks guys! Yes sounds like it. I have been keeping my babies in a weak tea solution ans they are very hapy, about 4-5 cm now and doing great. I was worried about the cycled tank but it sounds like it won't do any harm, anyway i will go pick up some almond leaves today! thanks guys.

how many leaves do you put in?
I use Indian Almond leaves for my Bettas (Siamese Fighting Fish), and recently Sonriente got a bit of gill fungus, so I put him in a storage tub, with IAL... no salt baths, just almond leaves. Fungus, gone.
Works miracles this stuff, love it. No fish/axie room is complete without it. :happy:

As for dosage, I generally put in 2 leaves to 20, roughly.
By the way, I got mine from HERE.
Lovely couple.. we had a bit of problem with customs, they are allowable.. but there was a mishap on their (Customs) behalf. They really went above and beyond to get the leaves to us. Would highly recommend them.

They now have an Australian supplier, HERE. Have heard nothing but good comments from him, although still have plenty so no need to order more at the moment. :happy:

On the first website, there are instructions on to how to make your own blackwater extract, as I see Justin uses.
So let me get this straight. If I get some IAL and put in 2 for every 20Litres of water, don't brew them or anything, just rinse and in, it should not only (help) prevent fungus in my tank, but calm down and cure my already sick axie?? If so I will go ahead and order some when the Aussie store is open again on the 20th November.
yes its meant to be very relaxing and nice on their skin, as well as anti fungal and antibacterial. I just ebayed Indian almond leaves, and there were heaps of options for fish tanks.

if your axie has a serious illness like a severe bacterial / viral / parasite infection, i wouldn't expect it to disappear and you might need a vet.
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