Taricha & friends



LOL Awsome picture. Them snails look like there having fun. ;-)
AHHH! Hope Mr. Snaily didn't stay there for long, Ester!

I love Tarichas!
Funny picture Ester, I start to get more interested in Taricha's every day!
I am amazed neither the snail or the newt tries to eat the other!

Especially for the Genus Taricha, with a reputation for being little garbage cans.
I don't seem to have any baby snails. But these snails are bigger than their mouths, and taricha also tend to prefer relatively small food.
The Tarichas (all 8 of em) are happily coexisting with 10 guppies and 4 of those snails.
They've done so for over half a year now.
Unless stressed, I don't think Taricha excrete that much poison.
Ester, I'll trade you my white cloud minnows for the guppies! Hehe. I just *had* to try the minnows (I'm rolling my eyes at myself) and I wish I hadn't. The fish don't bother the tarichas, but they pick on each other all day long (and yes, there are lots of hiding plants). I've got two snails too. Works pretty well.
That picture is just awesome, Ester! Makes me want to try some big snails in with mine. They are such little monkeys!
Take care,

(Message edited by mduros on July 27, 2006)
That is one nice pic ester

Love the colours on the newt i want one hehe
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