<font color="0077aa"><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica"> How is Taricha pronounced?
I hope this is the right place for this thread. I didn't really think it was a "help" question. Sorry moderators, if this isn't in the right place...
Is it TarEEka or TarEYEka ????????
I can't find a dictionary with the pronunciation.
Also, is it anAHHHcharis, or anACKaris?? for anacharis.
Thanks bunches!</font></font>
I hope this is the right place for this thread. I didn't really think it was a "help" question. Sorry moderators, if this isn't in the right place...
Is it TarEEka or TarEYEka ????????
I can't find a dictionary with the pronunciation.
Also, is it anAHHHcharis, or anACKaris?? for anacharis.
Thanks bunches!</font></font>