Planning to upgrade my 3 Spanish ribbed newts from a 20 gallon long to a 30-40 gallon. Currently have a sponge filter in there thats supposed to support up to 50 gallons. I plan to use this filter and everything in their current tank to kickstart the nitrogen cycle.
Should I add a second sponge filter too? Or is the one enough? With the pre cycled media I can add them in the larger tank the same day correct?
For reference I’m also thinking abt getting maybe 2 more newts to add in there which obviously creates a larger bioload. I also use live plant.
Should I add a second sponge filter too? Or is the one enough? With the pre cycled media I can add them in the larger tank the same day correct?
For reference I’m also thinking abt getting maybe 2 more newts to add in there which obviously creates a larger bioload. I also use live plant.