havnt posted any pics for a while and have done some big changes to my tank "again" "for the better i hope"
got another light the other day so now 2 x 36' fluro's 1x powerglo 1x growlux so hopefully now have better results, i had a bit of a brown algae prob, put it down to not enough light. so hopefully fixes that too ? got heaps of new plants, tied 1x anubis to rock and one to fake root and got another driftwood one and already had 1 driftwood one "all different species" and got a few other various types + some nice looking free floating ones. had to get rid of most java ferns cause covered in brown algae
but gonna get a cpl more now got better lighting. also got a new background pic but cant see much of it cause of the plants lol
plus poked java moss into some of the crevaces of the rock etc.. my axies love all the new plants
and hang out in them heaps now, one even did a poo in one of the large plants @ the back right up the top
to lazy to go to the bottom i guess lol.
still got to re-arange a bit but it's getting there, also got some banana lilly's and if they go well for me gonna get some more "i love lilly's"
and here's the pics
sorry theres so many but wanted to show different angles, any arranging advise appreciated
plus poked java moss into some of the crevaces of the rock etc.. my axies love all the new plants
still got to re-arange a bit but it's getting there, also got some banana lilly's and if they go well for me gonna get some more "i love lilly's"
and here's the pics
sorry theres so many but wanted to show different angles, any arranging advise appreciated