Tank size


New member
Nov 30, 2012
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I'm in search of a new tank for my axies, who seem to be growing up so fast.

I have my eye on a few tanks, but I thought I'd ask here first...
Is an aquarium the size of 100cmx40xmx50cm large enough for three adults?

If not I'll have to arrange some stuff in my house to fit a 120cm one...
I would rearrange and go for the 120cm one. The 100cm one would be a tight squeeze once you have hides etc in place.
Alrighty, thanks!

Will start rearranging some stuff :)
If everything goes well, this should be mine on sunday:


Juwel Rio 300
350 litres
120cm x 50cm x 60cm

Big enough? :p
It's never big enough; you can always fit more axolotls!
Hah, if I had the money and space I probably would :D

Space is the biggest problem tho, so until I move someplace else, no bigger tank than this is an option :(
That's a picture of the aquarium still at the current owner's home :)

It's a second hand aquarium I'm buying, much cheaper and it appears to be in good condition, so yeh :)

Otherwise a new aquarium that size... plus furniture, would immediately set me back about 700 euros x_x

I get this one, plus filter, plus background, plus furniture, plus lighting (for the plants) etc for 270 :)
Doh! You said you did not have it yet. :eek:

Well, its a really good looking tank and it is quite big! My biggest is 170l.

Your axies will love it.

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It's mine, and in my room! Takes up almost half of the room wall, lol (it's not a very large room)

Moving it was somewhat tricky as it's been snowing around here, we put salt everywhere we had to pass carrying this thing.

We couldn't get it through the door of this room, we ended up going through the window :D

Will be putting in the water and jumpstart the cycle tomorrow though. Too tired tonight :rolleyes:
Can you tell me what an ideal size tank is in gallons or liters for one, two, and three axies? I am an avid reptile and animal lover/keeper and i am getting ready to start my first axie tank. Thanks so much!:D
Can you tell me what an ideal size tank is in gallons or liters for one, two, and three axies? I am an avid reptile and animal lover/keeper and i am getting ready to start my first axie tank. Thanks so much!:D

I think better in feet and inches than I do gallons/litres, but the general rule of thumb (or lotl) is one foot of length per adult Axolotl plus a foot for hides. So one Axolotl needs at least a 2 foot long tank, 2 needs at least a 3 foot long tank and so on.

Of course the 'ideal' is the bigger the better, if you have 2 Axolotls and room for a 10 foot long tank then that is the ideal ;).

You will need at least one hide for each Axolotl you have so they have enough space to get away from each other if they want to.

I have a 3 foot tank which has about 90 litres in (it is not full to the top though) if that is any use?

Go for a long tank over a tall tank as Axolotls appreciate the extra floor space for stomping around on over the extra water for swimming.

Good Luck :blob:
The axies are in the tank. I repeat, the axies are in the tank.

This was Tephra. Over.

...hehe, can't give pics for now though, it's late here and the tank light is off. Dark pics are no fun and I don't like to use the flash to temporarily blind animals. Especially animals with no eyelids.
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