Tank Size

shop worn angel

New member
Oct 20, 2007
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Hi Everyone,

I have 4 Chinese Firebelly newts that hatched just over a year ago. They all live together in a 10 gallon tank at the moment, as they are all fairly small, still. They seem to be happy and healthy together, and seem to do their own thing when they want some space, and also seem to be found quite close together, sometimes. I have 2 that often like to rest side by side or sometimes on top of each other, even with there being plenty of land space for them to go, should they so choose.

I had intended on getting a bigger tank by now, but they really seem to be doing fine in this space. I also know if I were to get a 20 gallon tank, I would need a bigger filter, and I'm not inclined to get a filter for use in a 20 gallon tank, because with the tiny size of my newts, it is sure to make them spin around in circles, as the current would be too strong, even on the lowest setting.

Is it safe for me to keep them in the 10 gallon for a while, still?
I wouldn't hesitate to keep 4 adult CFB in a 10-gallon tank, provided that the setup makes good use of the space (no huge gravel slope or anything like that). If their setup has plenty of plants and hides, it sounds like they should be fine where they are.
Thanks for your prompt reply!

That makes sense. I do have a gravel slope and a few rocks...these are all kept at one side of the tank ( and used as hiding spaces), while the other half of the tank has plastic plants, a small filter and just water.
I don't suggest using gravel in a new or salamander tank. Too many problems with impacton and sanitation. A bare tank is easier to keep. I use large sponge filters for all my tanks fish or amphibians. I find they cause fewer problems and eliminate escapes up filter tubes. For aesthetics, I use river stones and driftwood combined with java fern and floating riccia and najas (guppy grass). I use cork bark floats. All amphibian tanks have tight fitting lids. I don't have firebellies but I do have dwarf sirens and N. v. louisianensis. Both are wild caught individuals. I don't use heaters but watch the temperatures in the summer. I am trying to grow some sphagnum moss I collected in Alabama. It came from around Mobile and the heat dosen't seem to bother it. I will use this for the adult newts later.
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