Tank size for possibly 3 axolotls


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Jan 20, 2012
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Bangor, Wales
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Hey everyone, just wondering what your opinion on this tank is for up to three axolotl but i will be raising them from hatching and I know this tank isn't big enough for them fully grown. Ideally there would only be two axolotl in here. Thanks for the help guys, please don't shout, i'm new to all this :)
You want at least 10 gallons per Axolotl. I don't even think that's enough. I have a large 55-gal tank for two adult Axolotls, but I will be adding a third and fourth.
Thanks but going with gallons i'm still not a hundred percent sure on tanks. I take it you don't approve of this tank then?
That might be okay for 1 or 2.
I think it's always best to start out with the tank you're planning on keeping them long term. Many people say i'm just getting this tank till I have the funds to upgrade, but if you think about it, it's actually cheaper to start out with the larger tank first. This way you don't need to buy a whole new tank along with everything else a larger tank may require.
If you just took the 50$ you have for that tank now, and save up for a little bit longer you could get a much larger tank in the beginning, or just take some time looking at craigslist.
I think it's always best to start out with the tank you're planning on keeping them long term. Many people say i'm just getting this tank till I have the funds to upgrade, but if you think about it, it's actually cheaper to start out with the larger tank first. This way you don't need to buy a whole new tank along with everything else a larger tank may require.
If you just took the 50$ you have for that tank now, and save up for a little bit longer you could get a much larger tank in the beginning, or just take some time looking at craigslist.
I will try keep this tank for their duration as I am only 16 and I can't afford to be buying multiple tanks. This again sounds silly but tanks cost a bit more than $50. This tank is £55 and is probably the cheapest i could find for the size but thanks for the advice :)
If you went for a 4 ft clear seal tank ( no trimmings) that would probably be the cheapest.
Your other options are looking into getting a basic one made ( some people seem to find really cheep ones, I've never had luck with it though)

Or try your local free cycle (online group) tanks quite often come up on there, or a local Friday free adds.

All else fails put out an ask on your Facebook some times you find if you'd only asked first someone was getting rid of one.

Got my first 4ft that way. :D

New 4ft is £75 ish and 3ft is about £50
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If you went for a 4 ft clear seal tank ( no trimmings) that would probably be the cheapest.
Your other options are looking into getting a basic one made ( some people seem to find really cheep ones, I've never had luck with it though)

Or try your local free cycle (online group) tanks quite often come up on there, or a local Friday free adds.

All else fails put out an ask on your Facebook some times you find if you'd only asked first someone was getting rid of one.

Got my first 4ft that way. :D

New 4ft is £75 ish and 3ft is about £50
Thank you so much :)
When all else fails, get a couple big plastic storage tubs. They're cheap, and they're reasonably effective tanks.
People never seem to mention this on the forums, but pet stores almost always have used tanks for very cheap. You can get 55 gallons (a four foot tank) for about 40-50 bucks, and you know it's still solid. I bought all of my large tanks used. You just need to go around to your local stores and ask about them. If all else fails, plastic tubs are what I kept my juvies in. I kept them in separate 6liter tubs until I thought they were big enough not to harm each other (4-5 inches) then put them together. (Actually just put in two of my juvies today).

Stores really rip you off on their tanks and set-ups. I got the whole shebang - tank, hoods, lights, filters, for $1 per gallon pretty much. If you're on a budget, don't go buying new things when there are perfectly good leftovers that just need a bit of a scrubbing.
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