Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum and am looking for some information about what exactly it takes to set up an axolotl tank. I've been all over the internet and everything I've read is completely conflicting. I've read some sites that say a 10g is good for 2 axolotls and others that say you need a 20g minimum for just one. I've also seen some sites claim sand is the best substrate while others insist it can make them sick and only slate or a bare bottom tank should be used. Some say filters aren't even necessary (which as a fish-keeper I find hard to believe anyway) while some say a hang on back filter is fine as long as the water level is kept up, and some say only a canister filter with a spray bar is acceptable. Some say an airstone needs to be used to keep the water oxygenated and some don't specify. The only thing anyone seems to agree on is that a heater is not needed. I'm also confused as to whether it's better to keep two together (once they're adults) or whether one would be fine alone. I know there can be a difference of opinion but this seems a little extreme. I hope someone here can help clear things up for me! Thanks!