Question: Tank large enough for two axolotls


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Mar 9, 2012
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Hello, I've had my axolotl Sven for about 4 months and he's about 19cm. I have him in a tank of 60x30cm with a water level of 34cm so it has about 61.2L (16 gallons?). He seems quite content but my girlfriend who bought him wants me to get him a friend so basically I would be super appreciative if someone could let me know if my tank is suitable for 2 axolotls.

I'll attach a photo and any possible improvements on my set-up would be appreciated.


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You are cutting it close. I wouldnt. A 20 Gallen is sutable for 2 adult axis.
as you've only had it for 4 months, I'll assume you're a beginner.

I wouldn't risk it. short answer, get a bigger tank if you want more axies. the sweet spot is 50L per animal with more floor space than water depth.

also keep in mind that axies are solitary animals and don't need company.
Well that's fair enough, cheers for the help guys
Your tank looks like a nice set up for one, but I personally wouldn't put 2 in there. Remember they can grow up to 25-30cm (the width of your tank!), and you will need to add 1 or 2 more hides if you have 2.

I was in the same situation as you and have just upgraded to a 100 x 40 so that I can get mine a friend! Not only will there not be much floor space for them to roam around, but it will be hard to keep your water parameters at good levels.
Thanks Sam, now I can get my girlfriend off my back. Maybe someday when I'm not poor I'll be able to upgrade hahaha
Over in jolly old England we have something called Freecycle, basically its a group that give their unwanted stuff away. I have managed to pick up some tanks through them. Maybe have a look and see if you have something similar?
Haha, jolly old England... yeah I've tried to find cheap 2nd hand tanks but I've only ever found one good one and when I took it home it had a leak. Which sucked because it was a 2.5ft or something and I got it for about $30; fortunately I got my money back.
Shame, I will have a spare 2ft 6 tank going spare at the end of the week! My husband won't let me keep it as a spare as he is worried that I will find something else to put in it (he is probably right!) fingers crossed something comes up for you.
Over in jolly old England we have something called Freecycle, basically its a group that give their unwanted stuff away. I have managed to pick up some tanks through them. Maybe have a look and see if you have something similar?

Just wanted to point out that we also have Freecycle here in Aus! Just Google your city. Unfortunately I never happen to see any tanks on it D: but that doesn't mean they aren't listed, just that I'm lazy at reading the daily digests.
Though I've picked up really cheap tanks on Gumtree before as well, so maybe keep an eye on that.
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