Tank for Tiger salamanders



This is my wonderful setup for my 5 Tiger salamanders ( 100x40x40 cm )

Nicely done Chris!

Something you could try is find some bark of a birch tree (looks nice with the white in it). Pile that somewhat disorganized in a corner. You can even cover it partly with moss to create an underground structure that you can view from the side.

PS. Birch tree - berkeboom. Especially the lower part of the trunk has some nice thick crusty bark.
I will search for that!!, I think it will look really nice!

By the way, I've noticed that most of my pictures are all gone from this topic now...

(Message edited by chrisvo on April 25, 2006)
this is one of the best terrariums ive ever seen for tiger sallies, but may i ask why the h*ll u've put a savanna background? it looks malplaced, there are lots of better things to use, why not build your own rockwall?. besides from the background it's as perfect as it could be
I agree it would be perfect without background or a with black one.

(Message edited by tritonfin on March 06, 2007)
AWESOME setup!

Your salamanders must be right at home.
I don't think it matters what kind of background is on the tank, as long as animals are properly housed, and well taken care of! It definetly is an interesting background though.
if i may, i'd like to suggest something. the cactus and stuff in the background looks sweet, but i don't think it really goes with the tiger sal natural habitat look, i'd probably go with a "woods" type image. other than that i'm really digging it! thumbs up
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