Hi, I'm in the process of setting up a new tank. I have never owned an axolotl or any other Caudata so I'm new to this. I've been reading and asking around for advice on what the best tank set up is and I was hoping to check if my plans would work and be safe for the axolotl.
I will be getting a 10 gallon tank (I'm hoping for a bit more length than the standard 20x10x10 inches). I'm probably not going to use substrate, if I do it will be sand.The main thing I'm wondering about are filters and plants.
My teacher keeps an axolotl and he has this plant/filter duo that he set up. The plant was kept in a milk/water jug (the plastic ones with handles) and he had running water coming out of this. He said that this was his filter. I'm guessing there was a filter in/coming through the potted plant. I'll try to post a picture of it later/ask him more details (he was in a rush when spoke to him).
I was thinking this might be a good idea but I was having trouble with figuring out how I would set it up and if it was even alright for the axolotl. Here are some of my questions/concerns:
I'm assuming an in-the-tank filter was used but would the water flow from it be too strong for the axolotl? Is using a plastic jug even safe? What could I do to make it aquarium safe? What type of plants would be okay to use in this situation? The plant would have to be rooted I'm guessing so what should be used to root it? Since it's in a jug/contained, is using gravel safe or is it a risk not to be taken? What kind of filter (in your opinion) would be best to use in this set up and how should it be placed? Can this idea even be considered?
If this idea is a no go, I'm will probably use a sponge filter (that would be appropriate for my tank size). I still would like to have some plants in the tank nonetheless (I'm hoping to use marimo "moss" balls, Spathiphyllum, and maybe Ceratophyllum).
I understand that it might be hard to get a sense of what I'm trying to describe but if anyone has any input on any of this or might even have a set up kind of like this, I'd love to hear about it! Thanks for reading.
I will be getting a 10 gallon tank (I'm hoping for a bit more length than the standard 20x10x10 inches). I'm probably not going to use substrate, if I do it will be sand.The main thing I'm wondering about are filters and plants.
My teacher keeps an axolotl and he has this plant/filter duo that he set up. The plant was kept in a milk/water jug (the plastic ones with handles) and he had running water coming out of this. He said that this was his filter. I'm guessing there was a filter in/coming through the potted plant. I'll try to post a picture of it later/ask him more details (he was in a rush when spoke to him).
I was thinking this might be a good idea but I was having trouble with figuring out how I would set it up and if it was even alright for the axolotl. Here are some of my questions/concerns:
I'm assuming an in-the-tank filter was used but would the water flow from it be too strong for the axolotl? Is using a plastic jug even safe? What could I do to make it aquarium safe? What type of plants would be okay to use in this situation? The plant would have to be rooted I'm guessing so what should be used to root it? Since it's in a jug/contained, is using gravel safe or is it a risk not to be taken? What kind of filter (in your opinion) would be best to use in this set up and how should it be placed? Can this idea even be considered?
If this idea is a no go, I'm will probably use a sponge filter (that would be appropriate for my tank size). I still would like to have some plants in the tank nonetheless (I'm hoping to use marimo "moss" balls, Spathiphyllum, and maybe Ceratophyllum).
I understand that it might be hard to get a sense of what I'm trying to describe but if anyone has any input on any of this or might even have a set up kind of like this, I'd love to hear about it! Thanks for reading.