Tank cycling


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Oct 23, 2011
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Hello can anyone in uk reccomend any types / makes of ph, nitrate, ammonia testin kits for tank cycling as I'm new to this and would like any useful pointers
Ok great thanks im feeling a bit worried about this as although I've read the guide it seems complicated
I just got the Api one off amazon. I went to a local pets at home and it's £30, my amazon one only cost 14. Hope that helps

Sent from the comfort of my throne room
all you really need is ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate test kits. I wouldn't mess with your ph unless you know its problematic, and as long as it's stable there is no need to mess with it
I've used API kits for years, through my marine science classes in Highschool, through college and even now. Sure they are a bit pricey but by far one of the most reliable testing kits out there... I would say if your in need of one ASAP you might need to buy one at the pet shop, but you can order another one online for half the price...
I use Api,one test is slightly more complicated than the others-just take your time reading the guide and in no time you'll be testing like a pro!
It took me about half an hour in total my first test,now I can do it in about ten mins.x

Sent,using the power of my mind.....
Ok that's great I will be buying one of those. What can I put in my tank o start the cycling process as I don't have fish ?
fish food, worms, meat, anything that decomposes
Generally i would go the all natural route of a fishless cycle with maybe a few plants, or small feeder guppies... However if your in an absolute rush to get it going, there are several products out there that claim to do an "Instant Cycle" and ive tried many in my marine studies classes, only to find select few that sort of work, and one that actually has worked for me on several occasions by the name of FRITZ-Zyme Turbo Start 700.... If a petshop has it, it is going to be in a fridge, since it must be refrigerated to keep the bacteria dormant... ive tried it on a few test tanks, all fishless and all started at the same time, with the same media, same filter, same water treatments etc. 4 tanks, we of course had our control and our variables, 9 times out of 10 with the other "Instant Cycle" products, they are more of a snake oil per-se but this stuff actually seemed to work, building a nice bacteria colony rather quickly, granted the little 1 fluid ounce bottle is meant for a 40 gallon tank, you can safely use up to 5 times the recommended amount supposedly and be fine, though ive never tested this, ive used the whole bottle on several 20-40 gallon tanks after several of our tanks became "Un-Cycled" in our marine lab, and 2 or more bottles for larger tanks depending on the size of the tank... The stuff can be a bit pricey for its volume, usually in the 10-12$ range... I would still recommend waiting atleast a week or so after adding this product before adding any animals you WANT to be in the tank, aside from cycling aids that you may wish to use, and do daily - bi-daily water checks to insure its working... The product has a 3 month shelf life (being in the fridge that is) it also works for controlling an ammonia spikes or nitrite spikes

Hope this helps and good luck with your new tank :)
You can actually purchase straight ammonia to do a fishless cycle. Look for guides online, but you can significantly shorten cycle time by running the tank hot and at what would be a lethal concentration. As always, testing is very important, and you'll need to be doing some very large water changes before stocking the tank to get everything to safe levels.

The other thing that can significantly shorten cycle time is to take media from an established tank to put in your filter. When I set up a new tank (assuming it's fairly small) I usually just grab media from my oscar tank and keep an eye on the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels. If I'm careful I can avoid having a significant cycle with even moderate stocking . One big concern with this method is where the media comes from, there's a significant possibility of introducing diseases into your tanks (I wouldn't touch media from a pet store or someone who didn't keep healthy tanks). Another concern is watching for a cycle in donor tank as well.
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Have to recommend the API kit. I found it very easy to use, and easy to interpret the results. Just ensure to follow all the instructions and you'll be fine.
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