Question: Tank cycling


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Jun 29, 2010
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Ok so I've already ordered my first axolotl.
I did a lot of research beforehand and set up my over 10 gallon tank on Saturday with a filter and using stress coat water conditioner to treat the water against chlorine etc. I changed most of the water on Sunday as it was looking really cloudy due to sand substrate. Since then the filter (which is sufficient for the tank size) has been running.
I've been googling and researching since then as I'm really excited about getting my little axolotl :D
On Monday however I discovered tank cycling wasn't just leaving the filter on as I had previously thought :( I don't know what to do now as the tank isn't cycled and my axolotl will be arriving this week. I really don't want to be cruel to him so have tried my best to find a solution.
I've ordered some Tetra safestart solution which is meant to be added just after him to begin cycling and has been proven successful on many tanks. I also have some frozen brine shrimp and wondering if I should chuck one of those in now to start the cycle.
Has anyone got any advice? I don't want to hurt my axolotl :(
Also how often should I do water changes at the moment if I want cycling to begin?
Hi there,

I would first recommend that you not use stresscoat as a regular dechlorinator. It's a pretty good product, but it has a tendency to put this slimy coat on everything in your tank, walls, ornaments, filter, filter media, etc. It can get pretty nasty. Aquasafe is a pretty good alternative.

Safestart can give you a false start and your cycle could actually end up crashing later. I could give you a long explanation about the false start, but at this point, I think you would be much better off just cycling with the axolotl in. You need test kits for pH, ammonia, nitrite/nitrate - if you don't already have them. Also a good thermometer is needed if you don't have one.

Check all your levels now and again right before you add your new friend. If your ammonia level is up, above .25, do a 20% water change to try to lower it. If your levels are good, I wouldn't do another water change. You will need to do daily checks once your axolotl is in. As long as you keep the ammonia in check, you should be okay. Wash your plants/ornaments now to remove the stress coat. Don't disturb them anymore once your guy is in. Also, in case you don't know, after floating his bag to acclimate him to your tank temp, be careful not to add his shipping water to the tank, just dip him out. His shipping water will be pretty nasty. Any other questions, just ask. ;)
Hi and welcome!
How big/old is your new axie?
A 10 gallon tank is the minimum size for one at the moment so I'd advise you to go for a bigger tank in the near future, but might be okay in the meantime (they can grow quite fast).
Also, the bigger the tank, the more stable it will be, in terms of temperature, dissolved chemicals, friendly bacteria, etc.

I would recommend the API Freshwater Master Test Kit (about £30) because you'll need to know the levels of ammonia, nitrates and nitrites, and also the pH of the water.
Doing the testing is straightforward, just follow the instructions.
The kit should last you a very very long time, by the way.

I use Tetra AquaSafe to treat my day-old tap-water (slightly hard water).

When you get the kit, do a test for each, and post the results.
Unless the readings are way out then I'd say add the shrimp.

(Live plants are also beneficial for water chemistry and less abrasive than plastic ones.)

I'd recommend daily tests with the API kit and 20% water changes with treated tap water, and let us know how you get on....we're here to help :happy:

Also, water temperature is something to be aware of; there are lots of useful posts on this forum to read about the details of various topics.

I would buy a couple of large plastic boxes for temporary housing, as they are cheap and the axie can be housed while the tank cycles.

Let us know how you get on ;)
Hehe.....sorry Shannon, we must've been replying at the same time!
Good point about the Stresscoat, etc
Ok thanks for the advice you two. It's hard work getting information on these guys and every time I get any it seems to be conflicting! So really appreciate it :)
I never knew that about stresscoat! I won't be using it again as the petstore had other alternatives!
I ordered a test the order day so I'm hoping it will be here today as the axolotl should be here very soon. I can't remember the name of the test but I did a lot of research on it for reviews etc. When I get it I will do a test and post the results.
Would it not be beneficial even to add a little of the safestart with my axolotl or just a complete waste of time? I've put the frozen brine shrimp in so I can get the cycle going a bit before my axolotl comes.
Thanks Shannon! I always knew about the floating of the bag thing but I was under the impression the water was meant to go in. Now you say it it makes sense though as that water will be full of bad toxins.
I don't know how old the axolotl is but he should be about 4-5cm. Does this tell you his age roughly? The tank is actually about 16 gallons. Will that be ok? It is long as I thought this was what was required.
Thanks again guys. You will probably be hearing a lot from me in the next few weeks so I make sure I don't screw up :D
Also what kind of plants are good? I've been hearing conflicting views of plants as well although I wanted some
You'll find a lot of info on plants in the 'Plants for Enclosures and Vivariums' part of the forum.
You plants must be able to tolerate low light levels, and be quite hardy.
Anubias and Java fern are very popular.

16 gallons should be fine for a single axie.

Good luck! :happy:
My axolotl is actually arriving tomorrow now. He wasn't meant to be arriving until Saturday.
The tank obviously isn't cycled yet and my problem is now that I had ordered the test kit off the internet and it hasn't arrived yet so I don't know the water conditions of my tank.
Am I best to put him in the tank tomorrow and do large water changes (20-30%?) every day until I can test the tank and tell when it has cycled?
Or am I best to keep him in a small container and do 100% water changes until I can test tank and put him in there?
Sorry for all the questions!
My axolotl is actually arriving tomorrow now. He wasn't meant to be arriving until Saturday.
The tank obviously isn't cycled yet and my problem is now that I had ordered the test kit off the internet and it hasn't arrived yet so I don't know the water conditions of my tank.

Many Pet stores will/can test the water for you and that would be helpful in deciding water change amount and frequency until your test kit gets there. It's a hassle running to the shop every day.... but you will learn a lot about your water and your little buddy will benefit from the solid information. The water in the Axolotls bag will be filled with Axie uh.... let's say "mess". Try to avoid putting any of it in there. Hard to do though. :(

Sorry for all the questions!

Questions are good. It means you are smarter than a lot of people.You are thinking about the welfare of the animal and trying to learn.... which is GREAT. :D
Im basically in the same situation as you or was as i just got my test kit today :D... But i got my axolotls last wednesday and ever since then i have been doing 100% daily water changes will dechlorinated water in a temporary container... They seem quite happy im not an expert but i rekon that they are not showing any signs of stress as their gills look ok... Is your temperature ok as this is a problem i am now having if its not the test kit its the temperature... :confused: lol... But nice meeting you and im glad i have a cycling buddy lol... Hope i helped but see what the experts say as i could be giving you the completly wrong info??? But again nice meeting you :D
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Thanks for that but my pet store doesn't do that because I already asked about it :( My local pet store is actually really bad for fish stuff and didn't even know what an axolotl was. That's why I've had to buy most my stuff off the internet.
The good news is I emailed the website supplying me with the test kit as I ordered it with next day delivery which meant it should have been here today. The man said he doesn't know why I haven't got it yet and he is certain I should get it tomorrow...
So what do you think I should do with the axolotl if the test kit hasn't arrived. Tank or empty container? He will only be 4cm long.
Yeah Shannon I think already said that. Poor axie bathing in his filth :eek:
Thanks again for your time. Like you said I do just want to make sure my axolotl has the best life :D
I didn't even notice that comment Hayley! Nice that we are both starting at the same time :D Are you the "H" that answered my question on yahoo answers and directed me to this forum? I'm Blue Smartie on there :) If so thanks and if not just ignore me haha.
I think I'm probably going to do the same as you! I didn't realise about all this tank cycling :( How is your tank cycling going?
I'm getting a thermometer tomorrow but I'm hoping it should be ok (since I live in freezing Scotland:p). What temperature should it be at anyway? Is yours too high?
Thanks for the advice anyway :)
lol yep thats me im glad you took my advice and hope your getting everything you need... I didnt relise it would still be so cold in scotland... poor you lol... I havnt started my cycle yet it was all a bit of a shock to me as i thought you just had to leave the water and it would cycle :eek: and when i did find out well long story lol... from what i know the tewmperature should be between 16-19 C is ideal i think??? My temperature is at 23 C :eek: and im struggleing to get it down.. :( I was going to test my water and put them in their nice new tank and then start the cycle but the temperature is now stopping me grrrr... lol but im trying to work on something and hopfully it wont be 2 much longer :happy:... Nice talking to you agian... lol
Yeah I see what you mean about this forum. It's proving very useful already!
I thought the same thing about the cycling. I thought I was doing the cycle by having our filter on. At least your axolotls are well though - that's the main thing :D
My boyfriend is buying me a thermometer tonight on his way home from work so I will test the water temperature tonight. It's maybe not as cold as I think.
I don't know if you have read this link about cooling tanks but I read it earlier and thought it might help you Caudata Culture Articles - Cooling :D
Im glad to hear your getting what you need and that im not the only one who thought that about cycling the tank :grin:... I checked that website and tried alot of the different things and its not helping, but i have an idea of what might and will let everyone know if it works but until then im just concentrating on keeping my axies happy and healthy for now but thanks anyways :D
My temperature is 23 as well :( How do you plan on getting it down?
Well i tried putting 1 litre frozen bottles in the tank but this dint work at all and idnt even last an hour.. I might either try loads and loads of frozen bottles... I did have an idea about putting a fan against the frozen bottles to try and blow some cold air against the tank which will last longer its a long shot and im not sure it will work but guess theres no harm trying :) .. You can also buy aquarium fans as my normal fan which is quite large didnt work... Or a chiller very expensive though... Im trying to go for the cheapest option so im trying all sorts but not doing very well :confused:... I love the summer but its being a pain right now :mad: lol
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Hey I tried those ice cube bags that you get. I put one in before bed last night. Then another this morning and already the temperature is down from 24 degrees to 20! The good thing about those is the water stays in the bag when they melt as well so you can just stick them back in the freezer again and re-use for ages! You might want to try that.
My axie just arrived this morning. He is teeny!! How do I get him out the bag and into a tub without losing him? As you aren't meant to put the water from the bag in! The bag is too small to dip a net in. Any help?
Ok I got my axie into a bucket of water now. He's just sitting there and I keep thinking he's dead (but he isn't!). I thought he would be hungry as he's been travelling all night but he won't eat anything. Is this normal?
He is just in a bucket of fresh dechlorinated water just now until my water test kit comes. I let the bag sit on top of the water to adjust then chucked all that dirty water away. I put in a little bit of frozen bloodworm as that what he had been eating before he came to me.
lol glad he isnt dead, i thinks its normal for him not to be eating since it might have been a bit stressful traveling maybe you should just try feeding him tomorrow.. I think anyways someone correct me if im wrong by the way... Oh and just make sure that the temp in the bucket is ok... :) and i will try the ice cube bag thing thanks :D
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