Tank Cycling Update(about 10 weeks in)


New member
Jun 5, 2022
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Mars, PA
United States
Hi all,

I've posted numerous times before so please excuse my repition lol. I began cycling my tank in mid-September. This is my third try and it appears this time is being more successful than the other times thankfully but I still have some questions. Ive generally left my tank alone besides the introduction of a sponge filter during this process. However, about two weeks ago, I noticed that my Fluval HOB's canister was rising out of the filter which is usually an indicator that it needs to be cleaned. This was a bit confusing to me as my axie hasn't been in there for two months so I wasn't sure how it could have gotten dirty enough for that. So I removed the mechanical filtration (the sponge), squeezed it out in a tub of the old tank water and placed the filter back in. A few days later, I also noticed that the bubbles in my sponge filter's air stone appeared smaller, so I squeezed the sponge filter out in the old tank water. It looks like the bubbles got better so I think I was successful. Due to my needing to replenish the water I removed, I emptied the old water from my axie's tub she is in into my aquarium during her water change as I new it had been 24 hours and tthe chances of chlorine contaminating my tank from this replenishment was minimal. The next day I noticed that there was some haziness in my tank water which cleared within about three days. I started to dose with stability as I worried that I had removed some of my BB with the filter maintenance And stalled my tank cycle. However, I then saw a really big surge of nitrates which led me to believe everything was still good. now its been a few days and my ammonia hasn't really dropped (it went from 2ppm to 1ppm but has stayed at 1ppm) but my nitrites and nitrates are super high. So now im not sure whether I should leave my tank alone or do a water change as I know that too high of nitrates and nitrites can stall a cycle.

20 gallon long bare bottom tank
Fluval Aquaclear HOB for 40gallons
Sponge filter with air stone for 40 gallons
some tank decor and fake plants
an eco bio stone for 20 gallons

Water parameters

pH: 7.8-8
Ammonia: 1-2ppm
Nitrites: 2-5ppm
Nitrates: 40-80ppm (a dark red but not rust colored like on the API color chart)
Water Temp: 80F

I am aware that the nitrites and ammonia need to cycle to 0 within 24 hours for it to be considered cycled and that bare bottom tanks are usually on her to cycle anyway. Would appreciate some guidance or reassurance as to how to move forward. Also if anyone is able to give me an educated guess on where I am in cycling....my axie has been tubbed since I got her in May and good god am i tired of doing water changes in her tub lol.

Thank you!
don't worry about the nitrites until the ammonia is zero, only do water change if the nitrates are 110ppm or higher.
if there is a carbon cartridge in the filter remove it as it isn't required at the moment, make sure the hob is set to max.
your ph is good, the water is warm so there should be no reason for a delay of bacteria growth, put an additional air stone in the water between the hob and the air-sponge (have hob at one end of the tank and the air-sponge at the other)
the filter shouldn't clog unless there's debris in the water, check kh gh could be limescale.
when adding bacteria switch of filter and add straight to filter, wait 30mins then switch back on.
don't worry about the nitrites until the ammonia is zero, only do water change if the nitrates are 110ppm or higher.
if there is a carbon cartridge in the filter remove it as it isn't required at the moment, make sure the hob is set to max.
your ph is good, the water is warm so there should be no reason for a delay of bacteria growth, put an additional air stone in the water between the hob and the air-sponge (have hob at one end of the tank and the air-sponge at the other)
the filter shouldn't clog unless there's debris in the water, check kh gh could be limescale.
when adding bacteria switch of filter and add straight to filter, wait 30mins then switch back on.
Thats a great tip about adding bacteria right to the filter!! Thank you!!
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1