Tank cycling question **NEED HELP**


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May 20, 2018
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So I have been using the seachem prime since Sunday and I have been following directions of how much to put in everyday but when I test the water it still.says there is no ammonia, no nitre and no nitrate. What am I doing wrong?
Are you using test strips? I have found that test strips are often not accurate. If your readings are accurate however, then I would reccomend just buying a new bottle of water conditioner or prime :) I don't think you are doing anything wrong, there is probably just something wrong with your prime.
What part of the cycle are you in?
Have you put in any ammonia to start it? Or are you just using like stability, prime, or other aquarium quick start things?
Because the bacteria need something to eat before they can grow, a source of something. If you're just treating tap water and expecting ammonia, nitrite and narrate you're not going to get them.
However if you're mid cycle it would be strange to suddenly get zero readings on everything.
Seachem Prime's role is to neutralize ammonia, nitrites and nitrates, as well as chlorine and chloramine from your tap water. It's not a bacterial supplement to kick-start your cycle. You need three things to start a cycle: a source of ammonia, a source of bacteria, and a running filter with bio media in it.

These articles should help you get started properly:


I'd recommend reading those first, and then if you want something more in depth, read these:

Yes i haven't put anything in the tank apart from the prime which explains my issues what would you recommend i put in to get an ammonia source and bacterial source
yes as in my other reply i have not put anything in the aquarium other then prime, could you reccomend something to put in my tank and also i have been adding a cap full for 7 days so there is well and truly lots in there when i do add an ammonia source in there im guessing i shouldnt add any more prime or should i? iv got myself into a bit of a pickle
no using the master test kit, read my other replys could still use some help
I'd read the links Biev posted, they're pretty good to get you started on your way.

I personally cycled with the "in fish" method, I bought some cheap feeder minnows from a pet store and put them in the tank and fed them. I used Seachem's Stability as my source of bacteria and followed the instructions on the label. It took well over a month for my tank to cycle properly and when I added my axolotls I did have a spike in ammonia for about a week that needed constant water changes and monitoring because my filter wasn't keeping up with the new waste load the axolotls had. When I say "spike" I mean I was getting readings of .25ppm instead of 0.0, it never reached above that.

However next time I start a new tank, if I don't just use a piece of my filter media from the established tank I would do the pure ammonia method. It seems to work a lot faster since you can control the amount of ammonia you're putting in the tank to start it off. This method CANNOT be used with fish or other animals in the tank. The high concentration of ammonia at the start will kill all the animals you put in.

No matter which method you pick, just follow the instructions and you should be good to go. You know you'll be nearing the end of the cycle when you get high nitrites and nitrates but no ammonia. Just another week or so after that and you'll see zero ammonia and zero nitrites but a decent amount of nitrate. Just do weekly water changes from there on to lower the nitrates. And remember to never wash your filter or media in tap water or you'll crash your cycle and don't completely replace a filter without throwing old medium in there because that can also cause a tank to crash.

While cycling I also bought some small water plants, an anubias of some sort and an amazon sword I think. I quarantined them while the tank was cycling and added them in towards the end. Live plants can help with breaking down nitrates. I also bought some little marimo moss balls for decoration and nitrate help.
Thankyou so much for your help I think I’m going to add in some pure ammonia or possibly do a ghost feed. I just would feel a bit bad putting fish in there as I will have none to give them to. I was told that there is a chemical called quick start you can buy for an aquarium which I have no used before what do you think of that product?
Sorry everyone i have just realized that i was not using prime i was using stability which i was adding in daily as to directions on container for 7 days and not seeing any increase in ammonia, nitrite or nitrate so could someone tell me if this is the right game plan to do a fishless cycle

1. %100 water change
2. fill tank back up
3. add in pure ammonia and stability daily for a week according to instructions
here are the links to those products ammonia

4. Then continue tests until getting nitrate
5. then add in water agger to remove ammonia, cloramines and clorameans
sorry if i am frustrating everyone but i am really appriciating the help:happy::happy::happy:
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