Keiran i got my chiller on the net from a sydney pet shop for that price and depending on your tank size and the temperature you need to cool your tank too can also be a deciding factor, i know that most people say that a chiller costs too much but if you live in an area that is hot this is just something that has to be decided, lots of people have made home made cooling systems and have great success at it, i have a mobile business so i dont have the time for cooling methods so i found the chiller best suited my lifestyle. i had the same problem with every pet shop saying it would cost over $1000 to buy but i found it for almost half price
Mischa, your spot on about cairns, my tank used to be around 30 degrees but my chiller now gets the tank down to 17 degrees all year round, it was a great investment, if you have a small tank then the chiller that Keiran recommended is a good idea, after much research and asking alot of questions i bought an aqua one chiller that cools upto 250ltres email me for the website details of the place i bought mine from if you are interested