Taking axolotls to school


New member
Aug 4, 2013
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United States
I substitute in our local school district and the kids know that I have a bearded dragon and axolotls. One of the science teachers asked me to talk about my pets for the kids. I made a powerpoint about axololts and dragons. I presented before some of the classes and they were really interested in axolotls. I took my beardie in, but left the axolotls at home. I was worried it would be too stressful for them. I have 2 female adult (one white with black eyes and one black named Ebony and Ivory) that live happily in a 20 gallon tank. I could move them back into the 10 gallon that they were in when they were young and bring that in. I can't lift the 20 gallon tank so they would need to get into a smaller tank. They are very social, but really love being near each other so I wouldn't take them apart and only take one. The kids really want me to bring them to school, but I am worried about overstressing my ladies. Am I overly concerned or am I doing what is best for the axolotls? Have other folks done stuff like this with their axolotls?
Thanks for the help.
I've taken my axie to school in the plastic shoebox totes for presentations. I'm just very careful and don't do it very often. How long would they be at the school? If its long term I would empty the 20gal, brig it in, fill it up, and then add axolotls.

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Axies are ok in small plastic tub or fish bags - as Emmy says if you have somewhere to put them at school it would be better.

But for a one off a plastic tub is fine.
Thanks so much for the replies. It would only be for a few hours on one day. I will get a shoebox size plastic tote with a top. I will poke holes in the top to make sure there is plenty of air. I am scheduled for tomorrow so we will see how they do.

They are such cool animals that anything other than seeing them doesn't do them justice.

Thanks again,
Hey Jean, how did your school presentation go? What did the kids think of the lotls? And how did your lotls handle the experience? Hope all went well, and that you have a few converts to the biodiversity and animal conservation cause!! We need all the help we can get if we want to continue sharing this planet with an animal or three. Harnessing the curiosity and natural compassion of the next generation in that cause is essential. Keep up the good work! :D
If it's for a few hours I doubt air holes would be necessary.

I've always transported mine in Tupperware placed inside an insulated lunch bag with ice packs. It keeps them dark and cool. I usually bring a thermos with cool tank water for emergencies or just to replace the water for the ride home.
Are there any authority rules / guidelines to follow as regards Gtr Manchester High schools and Axolotls ??

I took one into our High School about 8 years ago - just for a day - and it went down a storm ... I was so pleased with all the feedback .... UNTIL I got an email from the leadership team saying that AMPHIBIANS weren't allowed in schools and not to bring it in again ...
I don't know the answer to your question. You may have to contact the school directly and whatever the relevant authorities are to find out.
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