T. verrucosus babies



Here are a couple pictures of three cute little tylos I'm raising up. They are just over 2 inches long and absolutely love blood worms, hope you enjoy them!





Adorable, Kyle! How many do you have? My mistake with this species was not monitoring that ALL of them were eating well. I ended up losing most of mine to anorexia - if they go for a while without food, they seem to lose the ability to eat and then waste away. Yours look great, so keep up the good work!
those are very nice, gj . only newts in my area ...well for sale are c.o's, do you or jenn by chance breed this species, and if so what would a cost for one be about, and possibly if u have an idea cost of shipping to ontario canada ? well thats just for general knowlege so don't waste to much time thinking about it im not looking to expand my herp collection yet
Jen - I have three of them currently, and so far they have done great. I notice that if I do skip even one day of feeding they just look so hungry, so I've been doing my best to get bloodworms in there everyday and keep an eye on all three making sure they are eating. So far so good.

Patrick - A friend of mine and myself originally bought 11 from Michael Shrom as larva. 4 of the original 11 didn't make it through morphing but the rest that have are doing extremely well and I'm very pleased. My friend and I hope to be breeding our two groups together (they are from two separate females and a whole cluster of males) around this time next year with any luck so until then we won't have anything available. If you're interested though I can definitely keep you in mind, and if you'd be interested sooner than that, I'd recomend talking with Michael Shrom, you can find his name in the user list and send a private message to him I'm sure. I'm not exactly up to date on the specifics of shipping live animals in to Canada right now but I'm sure it is a doable.
Great Jennifer, now you give me something else to worry about with these little guys! Kyle, have you actually seen them eat blood worms? Mine don't seem to ever want to go into the water?
Yes, they are usually half in the water resting on one of the rocks. When I put bloodworms down in one corner of the tank they one by one must smell them and they come on over, and if one is on land, I place him in the water and point him in the right direction. They go ahead and chow down pretty well. They were surprisingly apt at catching crickets as well, but bloodworms are so much easier as far as I'm concerned.

Maybe experiment and take out the platform in one of the two pairs cage, and see if you notice a more active response to feeding bloodworms, or just more active newts in general. I catch mine swimming and climbing around fairly regularly, but they do most just sit halfway in the water.
They look good. You are past the fussy part.

They seem to slow down feeding when they are absorbing their gills. If they are kept in all water for to long they are slugish when they go to land. For most I put them in a slanted tank when the gills shrink and offer cork bark curls for hiding places on land. Some stay in the water a lot and some spend most of the time on land. I feed mostly on land. I kick the juveniles out of their hiding spots and put blackworms under the cork bark (on plastic dishes or on plastic tank bottoms). When they go back to hide they eat. I'm also feeding them chopped earthworms, fruit flies, and fruit fly larvae. I know one guy that's feeding mostly small crickets. I know one guy that keeps them mostly aquatic and has had good luck. Their are a number of ways to keep them. They can be a little fussy but not to difficult. I've only lost a couple out of about 150. I don't hand feed but I feed heavy.
kyle thanx for the advice, and after reading this ill have to pay more attention to my newts during feeding
The first time I got 4 of these guys as larvae, I lost them all during morphing. Then I got 4 more, and only lost one, immediately after shipping (died like the larvae/morphlings, was doing fine and just died).

The 3 I have now I keep in a plastic tub with about 1.5 cm of water. It comes up not quite to the top of their bodies. It's low enough that they can lift their head out of the water. I keep a few rocks and some plastic plants in there for them to climb on. I've been feeding mine blackworms. They wouldn't touch the bloodworms. I just introduced some little chopped earthworms last night, and 3 of the 6 chunks were eaten.
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