T. Marmoratus--outside in the UK



Does anyone on the forum have any experience of keeping the above species outside in a tank during an English summer?

I was thinking of a semi-aquatic tank with filtration in a sheltered corner of the garden. Trees and creepers overhead and no direct sunlight.

Any tips or observations welcome.
Don't know about the UK, but there are plenty of people in Europe who do this, e.f. Belgium and the Netherlands and I'm sure in germany. the site is very important - no direct sunlight or you'll cook 'em - and of course you can overwinter them like this.
Is there such a thing as an English summer?

Didn't you hear? Western Europe's due for the hottest Summer since records began--and England's included!
Alan says T.m is probably kept outside in Germany. Do you have any knowledge of this? All information glady accepted.

Hi Barry,

sorry for my sarcasm
- I couldn´t resist

I myself don´t keep newts, but in the DGHT-Forum there is a thread about keeping Pleurodeles waltl in the outside. The question was, if it´s possible to keep them in a pond in the garden, which is secluded to the outside. The answer was, that it is difficult to construct it in a way, that is save against an escape.

When you want to keep the marmoratus in a tank, I can´t see a problem myself with your proposed setting, except maybe really hot Days, because the main problem in keeping Triturus is too high temperature.

So, if you can guarantee temperatures lower than 20°C, it should not be any problem, in my regard.

Greets, Ingo
I have kept newts in aquariums outside through the summer months, but as Ingo points out overheating can become a problem.

I now keep them in white containers measuring 60 x 75 x 60 cms high, with a fine mesh covering to deter escapees.
They are actually sited on a south facing wall and do not overheat, due to the colour of the tanks and volume of water.
The containers are almost full, with plenty of aquatic plants and floating cork bark, stacked to provide both shelter and shade.

Tritutus, Meso, and Lissotriton breed well in these containers, some in fact overwintering.
Fascinating! Do you mean white containers Mike, or the translucent storage boxes?

How do you overwinter them - drain the water off?
These containers are molded in a solid white material Alan.

They were designed as industrial cricket breeding boxes, they have a large lip around the top to stop them escaping.

I have a colony of T. carnifex from the heel of Italy, which are kept permanently aquatic, similarly M. alpestris from northern Italy, (Pre-Dolomites).
You can get white fibreglass Koi vats, bit expensive though.
I've had trouble with aquatics freezing while over wintering in my garage so would not want to try it outdoors where they would have even less protection.
I guess you could add a small pond heater such as used in Koi ponds over the winter months to keep the water above freezing point.
These containers have no extra protection over the winter period.
The winters are comparatively mild in southern England, this last winter a thin ice sheet formed over the surface overnight on numerous occasions, but thawed quickly the following day.
On a particularly cold spell of 6 consecutive days and nights below 0 degrees, a 6 centimeter sheet of ice formed on the surface, with no ill effects to the inhabitants.
To prevent noxious gases forming under the ice I float a rubber ball on the surface, which is removed regularly to help the water "breath".
Another potential source of white plastic containers of excellent quality and various sizes is the butchery/meat industry supply.
Overheat problems in central Europe and UK? so, what should I do here?
Hi Rubén,

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>Rubén Martínez wrote on Friday, 27 May, 2005 - 10:29 :</font>

"Overheat problems in central Europe and UK? so, what should I do here?"<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Now, the question is, what DO you do? Do you keep Triturus or similar heat sensitive urodela in the outside in Spain? And, if yes, how do you handle the overheating-problem?
Hi Ralf,

Yes the "butchers trays" are very good quality, I have used them for breeding colubrids and geckoes in a rack system, very excellent results.

Alan - Yes the containers receive full sun. Unfortunately they are not UV resistant and become brittle after about 3 years!
Hi Ingo_

From late april to september is not possible keeping newts here in outside enclosures, except maybe in the northern coast. In my case, warm forces all my newts to start a terrestrial phase. Fortunately I have a fresh room in my house.

An example of a warm day in the last weeks:

- max. temperature ( 16:00 p.m. ) : 35 ºc

- min. temperature ( 6:00 a.m. ) : 13 ºc
Just only another one curiosity: I have seen Pleurodeles in dirty water at 27 ºc, but all the T. marmoratus ( which are sympatric ) were out of the well, hidden in terrestrial phase.
Ruben - Triturus species naturally have a terrestrial phase don't they? Whereas P.Waltl only exit water during drought, plus they're tough as old boots - a bit of dirty water won't put them off.
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