T. kweichowensis questions


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Jun 25, 2008
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Northern Wisconsin
United States
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Hey I have noticed alot of these on kingsnake. I know people dont like kingsnake but there are some cb newts. NotT. kweichowensis of course. Anyway, they sparked curiosity in me and wondered if they have ever been captive bred, and if so what stimulated it? Also are they aquatic or terrestrial. I have heard of both. What are thier temp preferences? There isnt a Caudata Culture article on them so that is why I ask my questions here.
I've bred T. kweichowensis. They like the water a lot but go on land some. I'd be afraid of w.c. large salamanders that are not fresh imports.
It is a shame to see so many being offered by many different establishments. Just by looking at some of them you know their health limited and hearing about Tylototritons and how they deal with stress this is not a good situation. I get the same feeling when I see wc C. orientalis or at my LFS.

Out of curiosity I asked two places what they were and got back "
These are imported and wild caughts that have been in the states for a few months and doing fine" and "did you want a pair?" :(


(Not really part of the topic, just adding to what Michael said)
Im thinking of getting a pair. Any suggestions on the setup? Deep water, shallow water? How much land? Just a floating island. There isnt any literature that I can find on them on the internet.
I really don't think that buying WC imported adults would be a very good idea, despite how tempting they may be. As you know, they're more likely to be stressed and suffer health problems/ lack of appetite. Additionally, by buying them you'd be funding the same people who are removing them from their habitat. I think you'd be better off waiting around for CB juveniles/long term captive adults to become available here on the forum (which they have been in the past). Ultimately, the decision is yours; this is just my advice.
Honestly AJ, thats why I posted what I posted. I think Nathan is 100% right, I really have nothing more to add to what he said. It is super tempting I know, I was practically drooling when I saw kingsnake for the first time myself but knowing what I know it would be a huge risk not to metion a support of WC newts.

I said thinking of getting a pair, not that I am getting one. I am basically dreaming. I have weighed out the situation and know of the risks and of supporting wc newts. I am against the sale of wc newts myself. Just a dream. I actually would rather have Tylototriton verrocusus. But they are hard to come by to. I am basically giving up on Tylototriton for a few years.
Mmmmm....peer pressure....
I agree, WC adults are not a wise choice for a beginner....problems are way too common and dealing with them is not easy, and requires experience.
On a different note..although legal once they touch US land, i´m not so sure they are legally captured in their homeland...which adds to the whole WC market thing...
Just a dream.
It's nice to see you acknowledge this. You seem to have a lot of these kinds of dreams (a new one daily, it seems), and there's absolutely nothing wrong with dreaming. You might want to consider blogging about your dreams, rather than making serious-sounding posts, or sending people PMs asking to trade for their adult animals.
Yea, I will blog about it next time. Sorry if I have wasted people's time. I just wanted to learn more about the species. If I get my pm abilities back, I wont ask for animals. I have learned not to be so persistant.
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