Alright,as of late I guess I have been a 'posting machine' of sorts. But I promise I will quit hogging the forum for awhile after this. I just wanted to share some pics of my recent project which is a 20 gal long setup for T. karelinii. I originaly had this in mind as a morphing tank for another species but decided it would probably work for the juvie Triturus I am getting. I CAREFULLY took a 2.5gal apart and used the glass walls and bottom for land platforms. I then purchased a 8ft flourecent bulb protecter(cut in 6inch pieces) from home depot to use as clear supports for the land mass.I then used a small side glass as a ramp for the newts to crawl up on and siliconed gravel to it for grip. On the right hand side of the tank I left a glass bottom as a feeding area surrounded by rock to keep the black sand from creeping in. The filter is a Fluval-One hid with rocks under the ramp which is removable for easy access. The sand is tahitan moonlight sand from petsmart and I must say it looks very strange. The upper level has rock,moss, and wood and I plan on misting the right hand side heavily and leaving the left side dry as a gradient. The only thing I have left to do is add more plants. The things I dont like about this tank is the water level is pretty low at about 5 inches and it may just not be big enough for 3 adult Triturus. I will be receiving Juvies so this should provide a decent home until I come up with something bigger.