T.Helveticus and Vittatus


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Jul 28, 2007
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United Kingdom
Hi I was wondering is keeping and breeding these in the UK??
I have seen a few Helveticus in local ponds but wanted to obtain a few captive breed animals for breeding myself.Any one point me in the right direction.Thanks Dean
not many people keep or breed helveticus here, or at least they don't advertise young. Vittatus however are seen more often, keep an eye on the forsale section here, or look at some of the amphibian specialist websites. Both are great species to keep, Personally i think Lissotriton especially are the most interesting of the Triturus group.
Thanks for replying,I know that as helveticus is the smallest species in the UK they tend to get over looked but haveing had a good look at some breeding males they have to be my fav native species.I have vulgaris and cristatus wild in the garden.I will keep an eye out for the Vittatus.Thanks
Hi Dean,

Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act trade or sale of any UK native amphibian is forbidden. But you are allowed to catch and keep the common species (which includes T. helveticus). Since they are very common in the wild there is nothing to stop you catching a few in spring and watching them do their stuff. And unlike other pets, it should be perfectly ok to release them (and any offspring) once they have finished breeding. They have a subtle beauty all of their own - I particularly like the gold flecks on the heads of the males.

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