I think that's normal for Cynops newts, one of my female C. pyrrhogaster has been laying on and off all summer. I'm glad I collected some to raise early in the year because the other newts have learned to follow her round and eat the eggs almost as fast as she's laying them! How are your babies doing?
they are doing good they have their little back legs ill take another picture and put it up i havent been collecting any eggs lately cause i have a full time job with all these babies my newts have also been eating them as fast as she is laying them she eats them too lol. maby thats why they havent been eating their worms because theyve been eating all the worms.
Hey everyone, just want a little advice. Its 55 - 60 celcius in my Salamanders tank. Hes curled up and tyring ti bury himself, Im assuming hes too cold. I was wondering if he would benefit from a heated rock cave (since he LOVES his cave) that I could set on low? I NEVER see him curled up and trying to bury himself unless his tank sits at 63 degrees celcius or lower. So I am assuming hes a little uncomfortable.
He also seems a little sluggish, again, assuming hes cold. Having heating trouble with the new house right now. What do we think? Was thinking of grabbing this for him since its got very low, medium, and higher medium heat settings that exude heat downward inside the rock cave but ALSO exudes it UPWARDS outside of the rock cave, effectively keeping the tank itself a little warm. Seems like it miiiight be a little small for him though, my guy is about 7 inches from tip of his nose tothe tip of his tail. What do we think? https://www.amazon.com/Reptile-Simulation-Adjustable-Temperature-Tortoise/dp/B0CH1DPGBC
Had a question that I just want to be sure of. My marbled newt is a little over a year old and has started to develop and I noticed that he is starting to swell a little below his abdomen. I guess I’d like to know if they are his testes or if I need to be concerned.
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