Swollen cloaca male axolotl


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Jul 10, 2013
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My baby boy Kira seems to have a swollen cloaca :( its a bit red as well. He lives in an 18 gallon tank with a large snail. He has sand substrate and I only run his filter in the day time. What could be wrong with him? :( and how can I help him get better? Oh I also feed him cichlid pellets.
If you could post a picture of it, that would be most helpful. The best we can do without seeing it is speculation.
3 obvious possibilities:
1. he's eaten sand and it's irritating him
2. he's constipated from the chilcid pellets.
3. If you're turning the filter off overnight it could be a water quality issue.

Why do you only run the filter during the day?

A phot might help too.
This is the best picture I could get of him because he keeps squirming around. Poor guy :( and I only run his filter in the day because its noisy and I can't sleep with it on at night and it gives my cockatiel night terrors. CAM00103.jpg
You should try to add a sponge filter or a quiet filter you can run at night :D As turning it off and on all the time will probs be messing with your cycle, leading to bad water quality and a bad axie :(
I'll look into that :) any idea what is wrong with my axie?
And should I refrigerate him? Should I be feeding him his pellets or should I try giving him frozen brine shrimp or worms?
Hi there.

I can't help with the axie being sick, sorry, but I have a couple ideas about the filter as I had similar problems, that might help at least so you can run it at night? Sorry if this is totally useless info, as I'm a new axie owner, but it took me about 3 months to notice this with my filter.

I don't know what kind of filter you have, but for mine, I noticed that the lower the water was in the tank, the louder the filter was, and the higher the water level, the quieter. The difference is huge, at least with my filter, and makes more noise difference than I thought was possible. So if your tank water level is lower than the filter settings recommend, it might help?

I've also noticed a small fan can drown out the noise quite nicely, although I don't know if this will help your poor bird with his night terrors.
>.< Filters should be ran 24 hours a day you silly people.
How old is your axie?
Is his bum floating?
He may have just finally reached 'manhood' and its showing or he may be getting ready to mate.
It could also have something to do with his food chchlid pellets arent designed for axies, you should switch to axie pellets or earthworms asap!
salmon pellets will do if you cant fins axie specific ones, i bought my axie pellets off ebay but my axies main food source is earthworms.

Hey, don't know if this helps but my male is quite a big boy.....and your little man looks pretty normal to me......check my pics and see if my lad looks the same as yours......if it helps, my boy has just become a dad, twice over, managing to impregnate both the females he shares the tank with.....am moving him to one on his own shortly coz I can't cope with all the eggs!!!!

He wasn't always as big as this but the pics were taken over a month ago, and I think he has finally reached sexual maturity and looks VERY different to the ladies.

Hope this does help to put your mind at rest. :happy:


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How old is your axie?
Is his bum floating?
He may have just finally reached 'manhood' and its showing or he may be getting ready to mate.
It could also have something to do with his food chchlid pellets arent designed for axies, you should switch to axie pellets or earthworms asap!
salmon pellets will do if you cant fins axie specific ones, i bought my axie pellets off ebay but my axies main food source is earthworms.

He's around 8 months old I believe. And no his bum isn't floating, he just looks very large compared to normal... Like it happened all of a sudden. And oh I had no idea cichlid pelleta weren't a good choice! The breeder I purchased him from told me to feed him that. I live in a small town so most people don't know what axolotl are lol so I'll need to order some on ebay. Does anybody mind sending me a link? Just to make sure I get the right ones :) also I'm starting to run my filter 24/7 and just sucked up the noise. Also I've left a light on in my room so my cockatiel doesn't get night terrors
Your Cockateil has night terrors ??? Wow, poor baby that sucks.

With your Axie, my male showed his maleness around the same age and looks about the same as yours. You only need to fridge him if he's badly constipated or impacted with gravel or something, so if he's still pooping, then he's just letting you know he's definitely a boy :happy:
im not in canada, so all i can find is these JBL Novo Lotl Pellet Food FOR Growing Axolotl Premium Food 250ml | eBay

Salmon pellets will do if you cant find any axie pellets, but earthworms should be their main diet always!

I think its just a simple case of your lottle 'becoming a man' but if anything else develops then post on here and people will try to help :D
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