Suprise spawning - Ship eggs in the mail?


New member
Sep 9, 2011
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It appears we have some new additions to the family!

We noticed spermaphores in the tank yesterday afternoon & observed our female begin dropping eggs that evening. She has been going now for 24 hours hope she is done soon.
Estimate approx 600 eggs at this stage. Far too many for us to handle. I'd like to offer these to anyone interested in raising them.

I'm unable to post in the advertising section of this forum until I have 5 posts down, so here is number one.

A Question to those who have sent eggs by mail, what have you found as good packaging to keep the eggs safe?

I've attached a couple of pictures, her name is Axl Rose. It seemed like an appropriate name until yesterday :happy:


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I have shipped eggs from syd to vic using the clip seal plastic lunch bags [ double baged] they sat on the top of 2 bags of baby Axolotls 12cm long inside a Polystrene box. About 50 eggs in each bag with just enough water to cover them. Or i have heard of people shipping eggs inside 600mil coke bottles half filled with water inside a post bag. The bottle gives better protection when using post bags and only cost around $15 for postage inside Aust.
Thanks Craig. Appreciate any advice from those with experience here.
I saw a picture somewhere where a small plastic water bottle or similar was used & looks like a robust solution. I was thinking brim filled with water would be better to avoid sloshing/impact damage in transit.

Is there a timing consideration as to when eggs should & should not be shipped? I imaging at immediate hatching stage its not a good idea?

Any advice on where to advertise other than this forum? I listed on Gumtree but it was removed due to conflicting with their policies.

I would leave an airspace. Some sloshing adds oxygen to the water and won't hurt eggs. If they're going to be sealed up for a couple days, you don't want them depleting the oxygen in the water. Also, colder water holds more oxygen, so colder is better when it comes to shipping. Can't help you with selling, I'm in the US.
From reading I'm expecting 14-20 days until hatching. We are at 5-6 days now, do they travel well right up to hatching stage? What about after hatching, can newly hatched babys survive shipping if well fed before packaging?
I just posted some overnight (newcastle to sydney) in a 600ml coke bottle with a tiny gap. They were 5ish days when shipped, and received without any issues. Time will tell though if they start developing. I have about 10 left here to check the growth rate. My babies from a previous lot took 14-21ish days to hatch
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  • jcjchdjdj:
    What are good worms for axolotls
  • AxieCrazy:
    Hello. I’m looking for some input. My axolotl is about 7 months old. I came home and her gills are completely white. I was reading that they do shed around this age. Could this be why her gills are white? The ph is 6.5-7. Nitrates are 80 Nitrites 0.5
  • AxieCrazy:
    My axolotl’s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple of pellets to see if she would eat. One hit her head and she flipped out. Started darting all around the tank. Temp, ammonia, nitrates are all in range. Anyone know why this is happening? I pu
  • Anlucero:
    I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his tank. I have a 20 gallon tank. No other tank mates. 2 hides and a bare bottom. I didn't feed him the last two days. His belly looks swollen and dark in color. I believe it is the food you can see. I fed him blood worms and soft quick sinking axoloty pellets. I tested his water today. Ph was 7.6. The nitrite and nitrate were both zero. The ammonia was 0.25 ppm. I was advised to cycle my tank due to the lack of nitrate. I added Seachem stability 10 ml to my tank yesterday and 5 ml today. I have a tank chiller. The water temp is set at 64. He is still active, but his tail floats up when he is moving about the tank. I am on the fence about fridging him. I also don't know how long to go without feeding him. I don't want to harm him. Please help asap. Thank you.
    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1