I remeber having a conversation with someone privatly about the proper ratios for all of the vitamins to be in and to use beta caretone instead of Vit A. I forget all the exact ratios though, and I'm sure people on this forum would find it useful.
If I remeber correctly, I believe it was a 10:1:0.1 ratio for A, D, E, 2:1 for Calcium to Phorporous, use a supplement that has beta caretone instead of Vit A, and make sure it has an expiry date.
Someone correct me please!
If I remeber correctly, I believe it was a 10:1:0.1 ratio for A, D, E, 2:1 for Calcium to Phorporous, use a supplement that has beta caretone instead of Vit A, and make sure it has an expiry date.
Someone correct me please!