Sufferering babies!


Dec 8, 2010
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I had to go away for the weekend and left my mum to look after my newly hatched axies - under strict instructions! I came back and apart from one casualty which she found dead, they seemed ok, but 4 of them had crooked tails, like a hook right at the tip - they were all normal looking when I left. They all seemed to find it hard to move about and by this morning they were all dead. Is this a common occurence? They remaining larvae seem ok. She was onlt feeding them once a day - I'm slightly worried she may have underfed them. (when I got home there was no brineshrimp hatcheries going(!) so I did try feeding them crushed pellets last night...)

Help! Will the rest be ok? I took a photo while they were alive - I'll post it when I get in tonight.
OH MY!!! I'm so sorry to hear that.
I think you should be able to nurse them back to health. Good luck, and all the best for these little Axie babies (do you call them fry? That's baby fish - axies are NOT fish so I would think it is different.. sorry).
Um, not sure...I just call them babies :p The rest seemed finr this morning so I'm hoping they'll be ok. I just thought it was so strange that over 2 days they could change like that. I got some brineshrimp bubbling away last night so I'm going to feed them lots tonight!
Baby axies = larvae :D

Anyway....if this is your females first batch, dont be surprised if not a lot make it.
Curled tail is stress (bad water, heat or starvation related) once the tails curled its almost over....:(

Good luck with the rest of the babies :D

Just keep them in cold fresh water And feed them like every 2 to 3 days.The baby axolotls can can also eat live dapnia I Think white worms work great , having a thriving white worm culture will really help with raising young axies ,i use white worms for food till they axies are big enough to sawallow earthworm bits and pellets .But with tiny hatching sized baby axies it's better too dice the white worms up first , or the worms are to long and wild for the axolotls to wrangle down. Aso if let uncut the White worms will all gather together and form into small balls and become even more difficult for the smaller axies to swallow .. Mosquito larvae.also work great but are difficult to harvest now due to winter.
Maybe even Grindal Worms (super easy to harvest & care for.. if you looks after them they will last forever).
Or Brine Shrimp. :)
Thanks guys, I think it must be a water issue then (I'm down to 8 now! *cry*). I've been using water from the parents' tank, but I have no way to test the water (ran out of strips!) so maybe it wasn't the most fresh... When I get paid I'm definitely buying a proper test kit!!

should I use just dechlorinated tap water from now on? or a mixture of both? Or just change the adults' tank more often???
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