I had to go away for the weekend and left my mum to look after my newly hatched axies - under strict instructions! I came back and apart from one casualty which she found dead, they seemed ok, but 4 of them had crooked tails, like a hook right at the tip - they were all normal looking when I left. They all seemed to find it hard to move about and by this morning they were all dead. Is this a common occurence? They remaining larvae seem ok. She was onlt feeding them once a day - I'm slightly worried she may have underfed them. (when I got home there was no brineshrimp hatcheries going(!) so I did try feeding them crushed pellets last night...)
Help! Will the rest be ok? I took a photo while they were alive - I'll post it when I get in tonight.
Help! Will the rest be ok? I took a photo while they were alive - I'll post it when I get in tonight.