New member
Hey everyone!
Well I haven't posted in a bit simply because the FourAmigos and Snipps were doing just fine (FourAmigos were jueveniles and Snipps was a mature female I believe), I'd finally got a semi-aquatic set up for them that they fully enjoyed, and they'd finally started eating regularly and on a regular diet of frozen blood worms, thawed out and hand fed with dull tweezers. They've been doing great, growing, shedding, and not as skittish when I looked at them, unless I look from above the tank, they don't enjoy things from above, so I make sure I tell everyone to look from the sides.
I've had the 4 little guys since April, they wanted nothing to do with water at all, even after I got Snipps who was fully aquatic and spent most of her time in the water. Anyways I gave names to the 4 little ones, Tubs, Buster, Angel and DJ...the last 2 being the smallest of the 4.
Then one day, I look in the tank and I see Angel actually foraging at the bottom of the tank, from there she's been eating in the water and spending a lot of time in there, along with Snipps, no fights have occured, they all seem pretty docile with each other...except at feeding time they can get snappy with each other, so I lure them away from each other at feeding time, besides I like to watch them chase their prey, they're so cute lol!
Anyways, as of yesterday Buster was in the water, a bit on the dramatic side still, but he still ventured under the water and under the rocks, to me this was awesome, finally my newts are maturing and becoming aquatic.
Unfortunately this morning I woke up to Buster dead, then some hours later, I found Snipps also dead
and I don't understand what happened. All the newts except for 1 had stopped eating the day before yesterday which I totally found odd, but again I thought it was a part of their maturing, or maybe they had shed and just gobbled up their skin and wasn't hungry.
Now last night I was noticing that Buster's genetalia were HUGE!!!! Just thought again that this was all part of the maturing process. When I found him this morning, he was bloated, and had something white in his mouth, and Snipps had the same thing, is there any disease or illness that has that symptom?
I was also wondering, I do full water changes because I only have about 2 inches of water in there, a bare bottom, with some big rocks at one end of the tank for them to climb up on. I don't have much for plants because again my water level is too low to sustain any plants...I've tried and well I'm left with 3 almost bare plants. But a full water change is needed in my case, and I also clean off rocks because the get poop and food stuck to them, and I also thought it was needed because they produce a toxins.
So folks that's the scoop as of lately, if anyone has some ideas on what may have happened to Snipps and Buster it would be greatly appreciated, thank you all!!!
Well I haven't posted in a bit simply because the FourAmigos and Snipps were doing just fine (FourAmigos were jueveniles and Snipps was a mature female I believe), I'd finally got a semi-aquatic set up for them that they fully enjoyed, and they'd finally started eating regularly and on a regular diet of frozen blood worms, thawed out and hand fed with dull tweezers. They've been doing great, growing, shedding, and not as skittish when I looked at them, unless I look from above the tank, they don't enjoy things from above, so I make sure I tell everyone to look from the sides.
I've had the 4 little guys since April, they wanted nothing to do with water at all, even after I got Snipps who was fully aquatic and spent most of her time in the water. Anyways I gave names to the 4 little ones, Tubs, Buster, Angel and DJ...the last 2 being the smallest of the 4.
Then one day, I look in the tank and I see Angel actually foraging at the bottom of the tank, from there she's been eating in the water and spending a lot of time in there, along with Snipps, no fights have occured, they all seem pretty docile with each other...except at feeding time they can get snappy with each other, so I lure them away from each other at feeding time, besides I like to watch them chase their prey, they're so cute lol!
Anyways, as of yesterday Buster was in the water, a bit on the dramatic side still, but he still ventured under the water and under the rocks, to me this was awesome, finally my newts are maturing and becoming aquatic.
Unfortunately this morning I woke up to Buster dead, then some hours later, I found Snipps also dead
Now last night I was noticing that Buster's genetalia were HUGE!!!! Just thought again that this was all part of the maturing process. When I found him this morning, he was bloated, and had something white in his mouth, and Snipps had the same thing, is there any disease or illness that has that symptom?
I was also wondering, I do full water changes because I only have about 2 inches of water in there, a bare bottom, with some big rocks at one end of the tank for them to climb up on. I don't have much for plants because again my water level is too low to sustain any plants...I've tried and well I'm left with 3 almost bare plants. But a full water change is needed in my case, and I also clean off rocks because the get poop and food stuck to them, and I also thought it was needed because they produce a toxins.
So folks that's the scoop as of lately, if anyone has some ideas on what may have happened to Snipps and Buster it would be greatly appreciated, thank you all!!!