I have a 704X34cm tank and the whole back wall is a mirror... will this freak the axolotles? i need to know if it will stress them out and if it does i should get a backdrop, is this nessicery?}
i got my bird a mirror bicause at the time i couldnt get a new bird and she thought she had a friend in the cage with her. So i guess the axolotle will see a reflection of him/herself adn might think they have a room mate. but dont forget they have a bluy vision or it isnt as gud as ours,
If your axolotl is non-territorial, I don't think this will cause a problem. But bear in mind that some axolotls just like to fight, and may attack the reflection. They also tend to snap at anything that moves, so you may see this happening a lot. Try it with the mirror, if it freaks them out, get a backdrop. It may be just fine without the backdrop.
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