I recently got an axolotl about 2 weeks ago from someone who could no longer keep her. She is approximately one year old and seems to be doing fine in my 10gal tank so far. However, ever since I placed her in her new home, this strange white debris has started to grow along the sides of my tank. It is really transparent when it is on the side of the tank, but if I scrub it or do water changes, it floats around the tank. I don't think it is planaria because the pieces of debris almost look hair like but aia could be wrong. I'm guessing that it is either fungi, a mould, or algae, but I need help getting rid of it. Has anyone else had something like this and how did you get rid of it?
Side note: I have been doing about 10% water changes daily in hopes of decreasing the concentration but it keeps coming back. It has been going on for under two weeks and it doesn't seem to harm my fish and lotl but it is really unsightly.
Extra sidenote: I think the problem might have started when I fed her bloodworms (I have since switched to soft pellets) because of the extra protein/organic waste in the water maybe?
I recently got an axolotl about 2 weeks ago from someone who could no longer keep her. She is approximately one year old and seems to be doing fine in my 10gal tank so far. However, ever since I placed her in her new home, this strange white debris has started to grow along the sides of my tank. It is really transparent when it is on the side of the tank, but if I scrub it or do water changes, it floats around the tank. I don't think it is planaria because the pieces of debris almost look hair like but aia could be wrong. I'm guessing that it is either fungi, a mould, or algae, but I need help getting rid of it. Has anyone else had something like this and how did you get rid of it?
Side note: I have been doing about 10% water changes daily in hopes of decreasing the concentration but it keeps coming back. It has been going on for under two weeks and it doesn't seem to harm my fish and lotl but it is really unsightly.
Extra sidenote: I think the problem might have started when I fed her bloodworms (I have since switched to soft pellets) because of the extra protein/organic waste in the water maybe?