Starving newt UPDATE


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Oct 22, 2008
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Ok so my newt has been in shallow water so he can climb onto some pebbles I got him cos he's too weak to swim - hasn't bothered to yet though. He is eating a little bit of black worms two to three times a day and is sometimes enthusiastic. He is looking fatter - yay - but he is still sluggish. His body is kinda bent like his spine is twisted and I will upload photo later.

Today he had his first proper and whole poo! I was delighted. I decided to add a bit more water since he seems to be recovering. Mistake. He curled up with his belly sort of exposed and just floated around a bit helplessly like that. So I dipped the water back out and he's back to only an inch again. Today I am finally getting somewhere that may supply waxworm or earthworms.

So he's alive but just not recovered. Any further advice? You guys have been amazing so far.
Glad to hear he's eating regularly, that's a good sign. If his spine is indeed bent, there isn't much you can do about it. Keep the water shallow, especially if the spinal problem makes him uncoordinated. I can't think of anything else you could be doing, you are doing great.
i agree with jen, you are doing fine, just remember to try and stress the little guy as little as possible, good luck
another UDATE Re: Starving newt UPDATE

Newtboy is fatter but not fat. He eats his litte syringe of black worms twice a day. He does a poo every day or two. He never uses his llittle stone i put in so he could get out of the water. His spine is definitely bent and he can't be in anything but shalow water or he is uncoordinated and just floats around. I gave him a waxworm once and he ate haf. Next one he ignored, same with the third so I didn't bother after that Can he go on forever in just shallow water ABOUT an inch His back is out of the water but I can't put in enoUgh to cover him or he goes uncoordinated again. He has a hidey hole now but rarely uses it. It's sad to watch him thinking he may never be normal again and I have to realise this. I clean the obvious debris from the water every day and change about half of it out every two days. So far so good but I don't know if good is the word really. Again can this go on indefinitely? I might be leaving the country and am considering asking someone local to adopt him, someone that enjoys rescuing ailing creatures. Has anyone does this on this forum?
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