My name is Josh H. I am planning on setting up a 15 gallon newt tank. I am filling it 3/4 filled with water. I will be using live plants, driftwood, and places to hide with a whisper filter. I have many newts picked out, my land area will be a piece of cork bark, i was looking at ribbed newts, alpine crested newts, and considering some others.
Can i see your setups? Your aquariums?
Any pictures and comments would be helpful
My name is Josh H. I am planning on setting up a 15 gallon newt tank. I am filling it 3/4 filled with water. I will be using live plants, driftwood, and places to hide with a whisper filter. I have many newts picked out, my land area will be a piece of cork bark, i was looking at ribbed newts, alpine crested newts, and considering some others.
Can i see your setups? Your aquariums?
Any pictures and comments would be helpful