Starting up a newt tank, can i see some newt tank pictures




My name is Josh H. I am planning on setting up a 15 gallon newt tank. I am filling it 3/4 filled with water. I will be using live plants, driftwood, and places to hide with a whisper filter. I have many newts picked out, my land area will be a piece of cork bark, i was looking at ribbed newts, alpine crested newts, and considering some others.

Can i see your setups? Your aquariums?
Any pictures and comments would be helpful
just got my 15 Gallon today, along with a Light Fixture, Lid and my cork today.

Next saturday im getting Filter, Driftwood, and sand.
I posted a pic of my nvv tank awhile ago, but can't seem to find the post. Here it is again.

It sounds like you have good ideas for the setup. For the sand, I'd suggest either a very fine sand, or a kind that is too big to swallow (like Karen has).

Regarding the newts, alpine and crested newts are two very different species. Both the crested and the ribbed newts are fairly large species, you may be able to have only 2 or 3 in a 15-gallon tank. The alpines are much smaller and you could easily have 6 or so.

You can find photos of setups, and recommendations about filters, here:
thanks to everyones comments

i just bought my filter(whisper) and my bedding, thermometer, and my grow light today!!

thanks again

JOsh h
Youll be seeing a picture today!!!

or it set up with no decorations in it

thats in 2 weeks
Why not use live plants? They decrease nitrogen levels are more natural, better looking, cheaper and just as easy.
At least if you use the simple cheap plants
im using live plants

with driftwood

its just going to take me awile...
well that filter i recently purchased the whisper isnt going to work, i see that newts can crawl inside and get destroyed by that impeller. and they are <font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font>. Im deciding with a Fluval 105 or a Rena xp1 Canister Filter.
Any suggestions? Im sure my long process will provide many good outcomes and experiences.
Hi Josh,
Isn't the impeller hiden in the screw on bottom on the whisper in tank filters. I think it's possible a newt could get "trapped" inside but havn't seen it. I'v had newts crawl in and out of the top of them. I think the fluval or rena might be o.k. but you don't want to strong of a current.
I keep changing my mind on filters and for now favor the whisper.
Last year I bought the smallest fluval filter available and it was still way too strong for my newts. the current was definitely stressing them out. I bought a Duetto 50 to replace the fluval and have had no complaints. It's actually less expensive than the fluval, had an adjustable water output and generates little heat. Also, no places where a newt can crawl into and die or get hurt. I recommend it highly.
yea i like the whisper but im using aquarium FINE GRAVEL...really fine..and it keeps cloggin the filter no matter where i put it..

thanks for everyones input
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