New member
Well Im new and I ran across this site doing research on starting a Newt Aquarium. Im a huge animal lover. Growing up Ive had everything in my house that wasnt an insect. Turtles, lizards, geckos, fish, salamanders, everything. When I was in high school they all pretty much died on me though. Probably cause I had too much animals and was immature and did other <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font>. Plus I never had the internet and young; so research was out of the question.
Now years later I want to get serious on ONE tank. My favorites were the salamanders because they were cheap, could swim with the fish and just looked awesome. Plus they dont grow too big, arent messy, and easy to keep up. Since I love fish and lizards, this is the way to go.
Ive been shopping around, doing some pricing and figuiring out what I want, here it is:
10 gallon aquarium
4-6 Newts
2 little crabs
1 algea eater fish (plutocomus or something)
a few fish/guppies swimming around (5-6 at the most)
The hard part is finding a filter for this type of set up. From what Ive read, its cool to keep these guys with fish so thats what I want. But a filter and way to clean the tank seems hard to find. I cannot find a SINGLE website that reccomends how to clean the tank. Do I need a syphon, ground filter, what?
It looks like I have to get FIrebelly Newts as thats what the shops are telling me. I want Marbled ones though because they appeal to me more. However I heard theyre rare and I cant even find anything online about these guys. What the deal with them?
I have more stuff to ask but I dont want this too get too long and truthfully who knows if I;ll find the help I need (other places havent been to helpful). So I hope someone here can help. It would be greatly appreciated
(Message edited by ravenous on September 16, 2006)
Now years later I want to get serious on ONE tank. My favorites were the salamanders because they were cheap, could swim with the fish and just looked awesome. Plus they dont grow too big, arent messy, and easy to keep up. Since I love fish and lizards, this is the way to go.
Ive been shopping around, doing some pricing and figuiring out what I want, here it is:
10 gallon aquarium
4-6 Newts
2 little crabs
1 algea eater fish (plutocomus or something)
a few fish/guppies swimming around (5-6 at the most)
The hard part is finding a filter for this type of set up. From what Ive read, its cool to keep these guys with fish so thats what I want. But a filter and way to clean the tank seems hard to find. I cannot find a SINGLE website that reccomends how to clean the tank. Do I need a syphon, ground filter, what?
It looks like I have to get FIrebelly Newts as thats what the shops are telling me. I want Marbled ones though because they appeal to me more. However I heard theyre rare and I cant even find anything online about these guys. What the deal with them?
I have more stuff to ask but I dont want this too get too long and truthfully who knows if I;ll find the help I need (other places havent been to helpful). So I hope someone here can help. It would be greatly appreciated
(Message edited by ravenous on September 16, 2006)