Springtail Outbreak?


New member
Feb 1, 2019
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County Down
Northern Ireland

Just wanted to say loving this forum lots of great information to be gained and knowledge.

Long story short, my Fire salamander vivarium is fully bio active. Although the amount of springtails inside of the tank are really booming. They are everywhere.

Probably a silly question but will they harm the salamanders in numbers?

With the salamanders being terrestrial, will they get bothered by the springtails crawling over them or around them?

I don't see why the salamander would be bothered. Springtails don't actively hunt out to jump on random animals so it shouldn't even be a problem. And the more the merrier, cause they help to eat all the salamander waste ;)
I wish I had that problem :D

I would not worry at all. The population will probably soon drop off once the organic matter they are feeding on becomes depleted.
Both my terrariums are teeming with Springtails, doesn't seem to bother the salamanders one bit. I like looking in there and seeing it blooming with life.
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