Spotted Salamander Substrate HELP!



I read that using substrate close to the mud spotted salamanders like to dig in is best, so I decided to use the coconut fiber stuff you can buy in pet stores. The stuff has been sticking to my salamander, and I'm sure that's not good for him. Please let me know what I should do or use.
Yes, coconut fiber sticks to their skin. I don't like it for that reason. You can try mixing the coconut fiber with topsoil, that will help. But I'd recommend switching to either plain topsoil or shredded bark or cypress mulch or a mixture thereof. If you don't mind the expense, Jungle Mix Lizard Litter is good, it's mostly shredded bark.
Thanks for the help. I'll use jungle mix I can get it pretty cheap.
I noticed that the jugnle mix has peat moss and vermaculite. I just wanted to make sure that this was safe for the salamanders.
vermiculite? i had the same question. they sell it at pet stores so that should be a trust right there!

It's a mineral used for plants, fertilizer, anit-caking material, potting mixes, etc.. It's mined i believe, for the rest i get confused.

Hi All,
If the pet store is carrying vermiculite then in all likely probability its for incubation of reptile eggs as opposed to use as a substrate.
I would hesitate to use peat moss for the substrate for plethodontid salamanders as its low pH can stress or even kill the salamanders.
Topsoil or finely shredded cypress mulch, or the jungle mix are probably your best choices.
When I meant peat moss I meant using straight peat moss and not a mix.
Ed: good point, the bag says something like this. That ingre. is only one of many though.


*actually, i've been using jungle mix for spotteds along with spag. moss and they seems fat, healthy and fine.
Hey, I really never get to hear of many people with spotted sals. I have four. Got them as eggs and I just think thaty are great. I have mine on a sand base with topsoil. That is not what I started out with, though. I lost one early one. the vet wasn't sure what killed it. All others are fine. just wanted to say how nice it is to hear someone elses has them. Thanks.
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