Like the other poster, I only have experience w/ one breed, but they have been a joy. I only have C. Orientalis and have a ton of them thanks to some poor information from the pet store - mine reproduced after almost a year of having them contrary to what I was told as I wasn't looking to be a captive breeder! I would NOT buy from anyone but a breeder so as to not encourage wild caught animals, kept in terrible conditions, many dying along the journey, etc.
Anyway, my two were largely terrestrial when I got them, but then returned to the water and rarely venture back out, if ever. They've been separated for weeks, maybe months now, but the female is still laying eggs. If you're interested in any eggs, pm me. I want no money for anything but shipping - just want to see the little ones in good hands. I have about 50 larvae and have a shipment of eggs going out to a friend here next week. If she lays more afterwards, you're welcomed to them if you care to raise them from eggs, which is interesting as you watch life take form daily, but will get tough as they all morph (for my numbers). I have 5 morphs who have come out of the water and this is the tricky stage as they don't readily eat. I'm bracing for some casualties. I'm not sure if mine are eating or not to be honest - trying to count fruit flies! If you're not up for that (the larvae eat a variety of live microworms, daphnia, baby brine shrimp) someone here may have an adult or older juvenile that is close to being aquatic again. They are easily captive bred so they should be plentiful. Check the "For Sale/Trade" part of this site and take a look or post your own "Looking For" and you'll get a healthier species than any pet store will offer. As adults who have returned to the water, they are very easy to keep, would be quite happy with a small turtle dock, eat frozen and thawed bloodworms (available at any pet store) and live worms, etc.
If I can help you at all, please pm me. I have loved this breed and kept the pair quite happily in a 10 gallon tank until I moved the male as I am overwhelmed with eggs!
Good luck,